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Modifié par yungblockburna : 1/12/2016 1:42:26 AM

Which 1k yard stare should I keep?

I'm not a sniper fanatic by any means. I do know everyone on here loves the 1k stare, I have 4 which should I keep and upgrade? 295- partial refund, mulligan. With options of explosive rounds, rifled barrel and demotion. Scopes- sightsys, long view and tacsys 280- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and mutiny. Scopes- eagleeye, longview and ambush 292- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of skip rounds, oiled frame and malleus maleficarum. Scopes- hawkeye, virwtac and tacsys 300- partial refund, outlaw. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and sword of aegeus. Scopes- eagleeye, shortgaze and tacsys 290- Grenadier, unflinching. With options of Speed reload, snapshot and malleus maleficarum. Scopes- eagleeye, longview and tacsys So which should I keep?

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