I'm not a sniper fanatic by any means. I do know everyone on here loves the 1k stare, I have 4 which should I keep and upgrade?
295- partial refund, mulligan. With options of explosive rounds, rifled barrel and demotion.
Scopes- sightsys, long view and tacsys
280- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and mutiny.
Scopes- eagleeye, longview and ambush
292- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of skip rounds, oiled frame and malleus maleficarum.
Scopes- hawkeye, virwtac and tacsys
300- partial refund, outlaw. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and sword of aegeus.
Scopes- eagleeye, shortgaze and tacsys
290- Grenadier, unflinching. With options of Speed reload, snapshot and malleus maleficarum.
Scopes- eagleeye, longview and tacsys
So which should I keep?
Deleted my warlock and got it back to 40 and first nightfall i got a 1kys with What i use on it Ambush scope And kills while low health get chance for regen Explosive rounds And aim assist
Which Longview scope, slr10 or slr20, if it's slr10 use that but if it's the other dont
The one you get from the quest line is better than these. Why don't you just keep that one? Shortgaze, rifled barrel, firefly (helpful in IB).
Modifié par Amally : 1/15/2016 12:59:18 AMI would say third one because the scope is nice (Shortgaze) and so is outlaw. I would have picked 4 because it had snapshot but the scope are kinda terrible, at least to me. I only like Ambush and Shortgaze. My only problem is you have so many and I still can't manage to get even a single one drop for me.
How did you get so many lol
For PvE you should take a look at the tower vendor roll.
Keep one of each element
280 or the 300. It comes down to which scope you like
The fact that u have gotten that many from rngjesus is beyond me
None those snipers are for 0 skill
The one with dedicated servers
The two with shortgaze and ambush
Tough choice. I want that cool scope with the square screen thing
[quote]I'm not a sniper fanatic by any means. I do know everyone on here loves the 1k stare, I have 4 which should I keep and upgrade? 295- partial refund, mulligan. With options of explosive rounds, rifled barrel and demotion. 280- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and mutiny. 292- guerilla fighter, hot swap. With options of skip rounds, oiled frame and malleus maleficarum. 300- partial refund, outlaw. With options of perfect balance, rifled barrel and sword of aegeus. 290- Grenadier, unflinching. With options of Speed reload, snapshot and malleus maleficarum. So which should I keep?[/quote] You are missing scopes and your preferred perks, Or if you are asking for pve or pvp. I'm going to assume pvp. I wouldn't use the first one, or 4th one as partial refund is pointless in pvp. 2nd/3rd won't be good unless you understand how cover works in destiny and even then you would need to know all the spots on a map where you would pop out of cover when ADS. I'd say nope. 5th one is a maybe depending on scopes, ambush or short gaze would be a fairly good pvp roll.
For pvp or pve?
the one with hot swap and ambush hot swap is broken in this game, quick scopes for days
Check my Titan.
All shit.
You don't list scopes which is probably the most important aspect. If you're new to sniping shortgaze or Longview slr10 are both good options. Ambush lowers the aim assist and is hard to use of you're just starting.
Last one
Grenadier/snapshot/unflinching w/shortgaze is your best PvP option, I'd keep it.
If the 300 has shortgaze, I'd use it with rifled barrel. Most people don't realize that the range stat directly affects your AA. It's the way to go
Whichever one has the ambush scope... if you PvP, that is.
Last one
If the last one has Shortgaze I'd use it. Still looking for a Shortgaze snapshot 1kStare to replace my Longbow :(