This post is now about my favorite class the hunter i am switching allegiance we should nerf stormcaller because hunters shouldnt have to die
Selfish bump
You are a disgrace to all warlocks. You are no longer apart of the praxic order you swine. Remove your robes, and remove your bond. This is no way too treat other classes. Gtfo of MY forums, I am king of the forums and I banish you. (Aka muted). ~Yoda
You forgotthe #satire. Please tell me you did.
I laughed. I'm going to say it again. Hunters aren't the ONLY complainers!
So you mained a hunter then you delete him & say you main warlock. Please tell me what is so op about hunters?
Dude Bladedancer requires super aggressive play which means lots of deaths while in super, Gunslinger doesn't give you any extra health so Praedyths can one shot it and practically nobody uses Nightstalker in PvP
Retard is retard.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Nerf Herders on So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Kadel6092. From what I can gather, he commands the Scrub Dancers from an Imperial PC just inside of his mother's basement. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, kick this loser in the nuts and break their grip on Nerfing Destiny more.
Bladedancer got nerfed a while ago due to all of the bitching about it. And sure, it has tracking and heal on a kill. But unlike Hammer of Sol, you have to close the distance and connect the knife with them. [spoiler]please be satire[/spoiler]
Bladedance OP? It's been over a year lol one grenade shotgun combo can kill them.
Nerf huntards plz. One looked at me, and I died, wtf? He didn't even shoot me. If that isn't op, I dont know what is...
Buff Hunters! #StopTheInsaneNerfRequests!
I got killed by FoH NERF TITANS NOW, oh shit I got killed my a nova bomb NERF NERF NERF, I got killed by -blam!-ing golden gun, NERF the range and it should be a 3 shot. Shut the -blam!- up kid, this is why this community is ruined, because of people like you.
You're like, [b]super[/b] special, aren't you?
Stop acting like mamas little boy
Modifié par OTAKU_4_LIFE_907 : 1/9/2016 6:50:54 AMwow u are wrong on so many levels
Mate, chill down
Nerf the Stormcaller!
I thought this post was going to be towards the people that hunt things to nerf and you were gonna call them out on being idiots or something LOL my bad hahahaha! Totally misunderstood the title lmfao
[quote] Edit: well people apparently dont know that sunbreaker and bladedancer are like the same. [quote] Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha The funniest thing ive seen all day
[b]Original post reads:[/b] [quote]Sunbreakers understand how bladedancers feel year 1 to year 2[/quote]
I say shade step and smoke grenades need to be looked at.
You're using 1000 yard stare and Tlaloc please just please..... [spoiler]Shut the -blam!- up.[/spoiler]