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12/7/2015 4:25:43 AM

Sparrow Racing League

What I am proposing is a different format of the "normal" (I use those because we haven't done it yet) Sparrow Racing League or SRL. What I have in mind calls for a few small changes to the formula that the crack heads at Bungie had put together in the SRL that is going to come up. It also calls for on HUGE change that will completely turn the game on its head. What I am calling my idea is Sparrow Doubles League or SDL. It lends it name to the idea that 3 people will be on a single sparrow. For those of you that know it will be like a mongoose race in Halo. These changes that I believe are needed to make the idea come to life are... 1. 4 lap races with a shorter laps 2. The switching of driver and "shooter" every lap 3. The ability for the "shooter" to fire his/her wepons (all 3 or just 1 kind, you decide Bungie community) 4. Ammo crates spawning in on the newly shorted track that when ran over (not causing a lose to speed) allow the "shooter" to fire a number of bullets from that ammo that was picked up. Now my idea of SDL is risen from the mind of someone who has thought of the prospect of SRL since the days of the beta going in circles on my sparrow on the map "First Light" (which I would love to see more of please Bungie). I know the changes would be hard and I may be asking to much but for those that like the idea or have an idea to make it better please tell me.

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