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9/21/2015 1:51:58 AM

Last-Gen performance boost

After reading about the PS3 specs, I think I found a way to boost the performance on Sony's old PS3 console. You see the PS3 uses an industry standard 2.5" laptop SATA HDD slot. If an SSD combined with extended virtual memory usage is implemented, it should offer the PS3 a slight performance boost. If this works as I theorize it could make cross platforming between PS3 & 4 or 1080p graphics on PS3 possible. This feature could be made toggle-able inside the game settings. The game simply has to be programmed to take advantage of this feature. This will only work on the PS3 and not 360 unfortunately as it uses a Microsoft proprietary conector (unless someone wants to design an adaptor). Response from developers is very much appreciated.

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