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Nous travaillons activement à résoudre des problèmes qui affectent les services de Destiny 2. Jusqu'à ce que ces problèmes soient résolus, il se peut que divers services associés à Destiny 2 et à soient perturbés. Restez à l'écoute de @BungieHelp pour des mises à jour supplémentaires.


Modifié par About 7 fish : 8/31/2015 10:45:24 PM

Launch Model Xbox One owners are stuck with the launch hard drive.

Basically, we get to eat shit and like it. I'd like to think it doesn't matter too much, but it's still reassuring to know that our early adoption was rewarded with a pecker-slap to the face. We are never going to get this improved storage without buying an entirely new console. External hard drives are a band-aid at best. They're a solution in the short term, but what are you going to do 8 years down the line when your internal hard drive will statistically fail? If the xbox one is still supported then you can spend money on service, but that's only delaying the issue. At some point, support is going to be dropped and your console is going to be worthless because the xbone OS is not available to the public. It's the same problem I have with the Wii U and its flash memory, though that should be working for longer than a hard drive will. Thoughts?

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