Okay so we don't want to take the burning from the thorn. That's what makes it the thorn. We don't want to nerf damage, then it becomes a chain of nerfs until the game is irrelevant. What we do need though, is this gun not to shoot as far as a scout rifle. Removing the send it perk would do most of that. I believe it should also have a slight nerf to its range after the removal of the "send it" perk. I think that's the most intelligent answer here. Please sign below for this petition! Like, bump, sign!
Thorn is getting firefly added as a hidden perk next update. I think maybe the fire rate should be maxed out as well.
If you get hit by the thorn MOVE!!!
Honestly in theory thorn is a pretty Perfect exotic for a hand cannon, I mean its just like any other gun in Pvp if you miss your head shots you're done, but overall it's supposed to be a fun gun to use... Just only there is a difference between fun and overused considering there is nothing to keep such one gun in check since it can beat pretty much all guns at this point in the right hands, the red death is its counter balance yet it's really only that and a frontal assault where thorn is initially weak, but most of all you can't just have one other gun like the red death out since mostly all guns counter red death.
Wehehhhehhe wahahhahah. Thorn's too op! Just get over it.
This is exactly what I'd like to see. The biggest problem I have with Thorn is its range. It's a little nuts for a hand cannon. Hand cannons at large have a little too much range. I'd like to see a firm cap on their range, similar to what shotguns have (but obviously at a greater range).
This is how you properly [i][b]rebalance[/b][/i] thorn, reduce RoF slightly, reduce mag size down to six, reduce stability by 20%, remove send it with extended mag, and to make it fair have the poison effects stack ontop of each other, more shots on target equal fast DoT
I use the stability perk instead of send it. The range is still on par with scout rifles.
Poison should be two dots Magazine down to 6 Decrease the range (on all HC) Problem solved If not leave it the way it is and buff the ARs and the fusion rifles
Modifié par tenteisai : 6/9/2015 12:45:53 PMI've never said it before but thorn needs a nerf. Its not curcible, banner or trails its just who's faster with Thorn. So tired of going to a match and seeing everyone on the other team has thorn, feil and a rocket launcher. I have them all I just refuse to use them and I can beat the thorn with my mytho, fatebringer, hawkmoon, lastword or shotty. I'm just sick of seeing thorn honestly.
Duck & cover.
I use perfect balance anyway so i wouldnt mind
And replace it with?
Not enough. It would still outshine everything. Because the burn damage, it needs the same ROF as Timur's lash. Take away send it, and lower the ROF - Thorn becomes rewarding to those that both actually enjoy the weapon and have some skill/patience. It becomes landing two well placed/well timed headshots. Not just blam blam blam your dead.
Modifié par danicusbra : 6/8/2015 2:22:21 AMPoison is what needs the nerf. Takes too much health. I think the farther the target the less effect the 'poison' has. They need to address the lag before worrying about nerfing guns Imo.
Leave it as it is, if anything thorn needs a buff, luck in the chamber and third eye..
I feel less stability and rate of fire would be a better way to nerfed thorn. I enjoy it as a suppression weapon.
Is it co's you ain't got one?
The gun is fine . My Vex is the answer when someone is trying to take me down with the Thorn.
Modifié par Yaangy : 6/8/2015 1:42:14 PMYou can still snipe with it. It's how handcannons as a whole is designed. Look at TLW, it's got barely any range but you can still get someone at mid/long range. I've died to TLW so many times at ranges where it shouldn't even been able to hit. Range stat as a whole is broken on hand cannons.
If Thorn's range is nerfed slightly, TLW's range should be nerfed slightly more. Otherwise, TLW is nearly guaranteed to dominate. Too much damage for its ROF and range
Spare change pulse kept taking me down on 1v1 battles when I used thorn. Spare change needs a nerf! It's a legendary too which makes it bad.
No more nerfs. Especially Thorn, The Last Word or Hawkmoon.
The gun is fine. I have it and I've been outgunned by Vex, hawkmoon, last word, MIDA, and even some legendarys. Also o don't even use thorn often in the crucible because hawkmoon is way better in my opinion
I'll remove you.