I cannot wait for this gun to be vendor sold! I already got one to drop from a NM package with decent rolls (clown cartridge, explosive rounds/flared magwell/armour piercing, third eye) but I think I'm gonna buy the vendor straight away as it is probably my favourite gun and IMO the best all-round hand cannon in destiny bar probably hawkmoon.
I'm not sure how it will work with the new perks and reforge system but hoping for something like Zen Moment, Send it and Luck in the chamber as IMO it could do with a range boost for PVE (it would also benefit PVP slightly) and you can afford not to have field scout as it's already got a 10 magazine, Zen moment for the bonus stability although to be fair it's stability is already awesome so you could swap for clown cartridge or maybe outlaw to buff the reload speed and LITC for those godly lucky rounds!
Edit: Trending! Great to see all the New Monarchy and Red Hand love! Am I salty everyone will be able to purchase it in HoW? Hell no because everyone needs to experience this baby and I'll still have the OG anyway!
Um there's only 5 good hand cannons. 1.) Hawkmoon 2.) Fatebringer 3.) Word of Crota 4.) Thorn 5.) The Last Word Any vendors hand cannons are bad because they don't have damage types. So they're useless in Nightfalls and taking down shields. The exotics don't need them because they are already amazing.
-blam!- her right in the p**sy
Recent package gave me one with Crowd Control, perfect balance/explosive rounds, and spray and play. Looking forward to using it when i get it upgraded.
Is it coming or being replaced?
I already saved up 200 crucible marks for this weapon.
I got out law and explosive rounds on mine, its practically a fate bringer
I got one with super crappy perks so i dismantled it...hopefully ill get one worth keeping.
I have one with spray and play/send it/feeding frenzy,use it in crucible a bit.I have another with outlaw/send it/mulligan which I occasionally use for pve
I'm rank 34 with NM and still waiting for my first one to drop, when it becomes available at the vendor I'll probably keep gambling on RNG rather than buy it as I've waiting this long already :) I'm a loyal hand cannon user so I'd like to get it to add to my collection, then compare it with my other toys to see if I'll use it. Problem is it's hard to argue against the raid ones when they do damage other than kinetic as well. I always thought it'd be quite cool if each faction had a legendary weapon that did one of the 3 special damage types, that you could only get from RNG or a loyalty bounty of some kind (something like the exotic bounties, but for each faction which picks from a pool of toys that you can't get any other way). Meh, I'll just keep grinding till it drops :)
I deleted mine last night. What's the point if you have last word, hawk moon?
I still have The Devil you Know and a Devil you Don't with Field Scout ;)
Modifié par JigglinJellycube : 5/10/2015 10:06:38 PMI've got 3 right now, by far my favorite hand cannon besides the dead orbit venation. And people will be able to tell wether it was pre dlc or vendor bought, as the current ones have more white on them and the vendor bought ones will have more black. My favorite one had hip fire, explosive rounds, and third eye
I want one for pvp with Zen Moment, Perfect Balance, and Grenadier. Or does Zen Moment roll in the same slot as Grenadier?
Got it out of nightfall at first I was disappointed but now I love it
For pvp I want one with zen moment, send it, third eye.
Modifié par Il Marco II : 5/10/2015 8:25:23 PMMine has Zen Moment, Perfect Balance and Feeding Freenzy. Is it good?
Don't even level new monarchy and I've gotten two red hands from nightfalls
I had red hand but dismantled it. :(
Modifié par gurpreet88 : 5/10/2015 3:51:17 PMI've got one with TrueSight / QuickDraw / FastDraw, Outlaw Luck in the Chamber AP Rounds / Flared Magwell / Send It. Never got round to upgrading and using it yet but it looks pretty good and I'll definitely be upgrading it in HoW
Looking forward to it as well. I'm still out to get one and after 45 total levels of new monarchy across my characters I've yet to see either red hand or a prudence drop :*(
I got one from the nightfall to it has outlaw/final round/flared mag/explosive rounds/high caliber rounds/ awesome roll awesome gun!
Modifié par grimsbyrob : 5/10/2015 3:03:56 PMSpray and play, [b][u]Send it[/u][/b], flared magwell or perfect balance Crowd control Had it drop for me on Wednesday after soloing the nightfall. I love this gun. On my titan if you would like to have a look 😁
What's so good about the Red Hand?
Is the venation the same gun?
Does anyone know if old faction gear will be available via drops? Like the Vanquisher, Chance, Calling, Deviant Gravity, etc.