Seriously this gun is the worst of all crucible guns, its a PvP earned gun that sucks in PvP! The best solution to fix this gun is to buff it's RoF to about double what it is now, that way it is capable of actually putting enough damage into a target to kill them. This would help balance the gun out immensely and effectively bring it in line with the other iron banner guns.
Does this sound fair enough? Make sure bungie sees this!
1800 rpm would be a bit ridiculous. I think the thing just needs a bit more damage per bullet, along with all AR's.
I think raising the impact a bit would probably help. The impact is barely even a sliver.
Modifié par Nate : 5/6/2015 1:58:45 AMIt's base stability is worse than that of an unemployed cocaine-addicted single mother of 7 children
Modifié par SniperNerf : 5/6/2015 10:06:10 AMWould we even notice a rate of fire buff? The game is at 30fps and the ROF can only be so much.
Muted for being a complete twat. Check his post activity for proof of my allegations.
Or every 5 shots it shoots 1 extra bullet without affecting its fire rate
Doubling is too much, 10% is still probably to high
Modifié par Un1337ninj4 : 5/6/2015 2:43:28 AM[b]WRONG! [/b] It's actually the best Auto in PvP right now. Just see my Titan's Clash matches, 1.9 K/D across 30 games with a 30% overall MVP ratio that were all played using Silimar's (as an experiment grinding my way up some Titan PvP kills)! [quote]Nope! Every single person you faced sucks across each of those 30 games![/quote] Think again. I'm not saying it's TLW/Thorn, but it is a serviceable weapon and other ARs need to be buffed to its TTK & DPS and then brought in-line with Pulses.
i have one and I've used it a lot, but your at a disadvantage. what i would want for the high rate of fire low damage type guns like silimars is drum roll................. explosive rounds that would make it a fun gun to use
This would be a great way to buff Necrochasm. Make it have double the max RoF
Keep the ROF the same, add max impact and max range. Oh and take away all recoil. And add a 'bottomless clip' perk. Then I may use it.
Modifié par Atlas : 5/6/2015 1:50:55 AMYe let's do it
Make a high RoF low impact gun into a extremely high RoF low impact gun? I like it!
Dude that shit would melt people haha
Modifié par r o b b i e : 5/6/2015 12:28:38 AMBUFF ITS DAMAGE??! It has max ROF!!!!!! Buffing damage would make it uncontrollable
It's meant to be one of the bad guns of IB, felwinters (AkA scrubby scrub gun) is one of the best.
Stop whining twaaaaat
"It cost 10000 dollars to fire this gun...for 12 seconds"
Modifié par ManticSolid795 : 5/5/2015 11:19:26 PMThat would make it a frikin "laser beam"?