Trip mine grenades
Forgot there was a ledge
Blade dancer
Golden gun to the dome
Fanatic decides to play pattie cake
Hobgoblin snipers
Cursed thrall wants a hug
Noobs want to high five crota or atheon
Green snot pools
Hide and seek with gorgons
Titans pretending to be the hulk
Warlock melee you for across the map
Trying to have a dance party with Atheon
Shooting a rocket, your friend jumps in front, your body flies, guardian down!
That's not a thousand
Killed by the architects
Modifié par generic_name_415 : 4/11/2015 8:01:36 PMlightswitch thrall arc burn melee splash damage
Rocketing chains in Crotas End. Every. F**king. Time.
Modifié par kraftian : 4/11/2015 6:43:33 PMWarlock high five Brings up menu in pvp Lvl 28 in crota Rocketing a wall Using the no land beyond in pvp
Killed by the architects
Someone bumps relic holder on aethon.
Any shotgun, Felwinter's Lie, Thorn/Hawkmoon.
Fist of panic
Shoulder charge a teammate off the map
Rocketing the Templar right after his shield goes down
Getting shot by someone or something.
Titans fist of havoc fallen walkers
Rockets McDickface being Rockets McDickface
Titans foot touches ANYTHING.
Shooting yourself in the foot while in water
Damn urzok
Oh, and Omnigul. That's where I'll leave that.
Panic nova bomb and end up dissolving yourself. Fist of Havoc w/ Death from Above off the edge of the map. Atheon uses radiance after being pushed off the ledge. "Guys, I got the sword" Getting caught in the ceiling whilst exploring the map. And the ENTIRE FINAL FIGHT OF THE PSION FLARES!! (Only ps people will understand)
Thought your Sparrow could make that jump.
Unstoppable devil shanks from hell in the nightfalls.
Valus ta'aruc high fives you with 17 rockets
Modifié par CerisDeVoi : 4/11/2015 4:50:21 AMJumping with your warlock, forgetting you don't actually have a second jump, slowly fall to your death. Sticking a grenade on an enemy while still running at them. Cross map death flight from phalanx melee. Hobgoblin rifle on solar burn nightfall. Urzok the Hated...nuff said. Stand still with a dozen hive shooting at you - like storm troopers trying to hit a Jedi. Trying to run past a dozen hive shooting at you - they all become navy seal snipers.
Felwinter lies to you ...