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Modifié par Cheesy : 4/8/2015 6:23:06 AM

Favorite Bioshock game?



Bioshock 2


Bioshock Infinite


What's your favorite, or have you yet to play one? Infinite is definitely my favorite, though the original game is close behind in the rankings. Haven't played Bioshock 2 though.

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  • Modifié par The First Aifos : 4/8/2015 8:24:49 AM
    Here's my opinion; Gameplay; Bioshock 2 wins by far. There's still hacking, Power to the People stations, research bonuses, Little Sister harvesting, your melee is its own weapon, you're in Rapture, and finally; you can dual wield Plasmids and Weapons. (the only thing Infinite had over 1) The original comes in second, Burial at Sea Ep. 2 in third And Infinte/BaS Ep 1 last. (felt like a generic shooter) Story; Bioshock 1 all the way! [spoiler]Would you kindly?[/spoiler] Bioshock Infinite/BaS 1 & 2 come second. [spoiler]Li'l Elizabeth's head getting caught in the portal in BaS. T-T[/spoiler] Then 2 in last. (haven't played Minerva's Den yet) It was a great story, just not as good as the other 2. In general; 2 1 BaS 2 Infinite BaS 1

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