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Modifié par XoahWolfcry : 10/17/2014 2:49:12 PM

Darkness-Infused Pulse Rifle - Exotic Bounty

Kill less than 1000 warlocks


kill less than 5000 warlocks


Leave it as is


ten-thousand (10,000) warlocks?!? I have enough trouble killing 25 warlocks, what makes you think I'll do it 400 times more than that? and for a pulse rifle? I'd understand it a little more if it were for a fusion rifle or rocket launcher... but a pulse rifle?!? seriously? I've just finished the Thorn bounty and I thought that was tough enough (especially with that lvl. 26 summoning pits strike), so I am willing to get through exotic bounties... as long as it seems reasonable.... but this 10,000 warlock thing is anything but. Please change the amount, 10k warlocks is too much. I'm gonna keep it there taking up bounty inventory space, trying to get any warlock kills, meanwhile. UPDATE: Wait... I'm confused... I'm at 1191 out of 10000 and I've clearly not killed 1191 warlocks..... what does this number represent?

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