Armor piercing, luck in the chamber, ten round magazine (also has field scout), my red hand is a monster.
When LItC procs, it's a two shot headshot kill, otherwise it's a three shot headshot kill.
A normal headshot is 86. A LItC headshot is 114.
GOD I LOVE THIS THING! Makes me want hawkmoon that much more.
I just got my second, which is pretty nice. I have one with performance bonus, explosive rounds, and who's next, which is great for pve, and one with third eye, perfect balance, sent it, and clown cartridge, for pvp. It makes a nice replacement for my thorn when I want to use icebreaker in pve or another exotic in pvp
Timurs lash does 95 headshot damge in crucible that's 2 shot killing most guardians
Look at my timurs lash on my 32 hunter
Timurs Lash is the Xbox Equivalent of Hawkmoon, but has a little more impact.
Modifié par Tigerclaw1760 : 2/26/2015 12:01:46 AMIs it that good? Ive had it sitting in my inventory for a while. Edit: Wait nvm, I dismantled it not too long ago. Hope I won't regret that...
Unlucky Man's Hawkmoon*
Timurs Lash with a good roll is more powerful
It'll never be a Hawkmoon =)