Any Fatebringer owners, have you tried out this Red Hand IX?
It's the new monarchy dlc hand cannon.
It has a perk for explosive rounds like Fatebringer. However it does not have the arc damage. Can any owners of both chime in?
Is it still worth pursuing Fatebringer if I have Red Hand IX?
I love hand cannons and have been using thorn, the last word, venation 3, and most recently the red hand IX.
The red hand has quickly risen on my list of favorite hand cannons.
red hand cant compare to fatebringer
Hahah fate ringer
Red hand can't have firefly or arc. Not anywhere near as good for pve as fatebringer. I do have one and it sits in my vault. Even has good perks. The reason people like fatebringer is for the outlaw + firefly. Only some use explosive rounds and some use field scout. Just because it has explosive rounds won't make Any experienced hand cannon user want to use it in pve. Now for pvp, I would give the edge to a well rolled red hand.
Fate ringer is the best hand cannon, as is, in the game. And it's about to get a slight buff.
Fatebringer > everything
Fatebringer is amazing for PVE, and Red Hand XI sucks at PVE, but Fatebringer sucks at PVP, and Red Hand IX is great for PVP, I am a user of both these weapons.
Fatebringer is the best hand cannon PERIOD. If u r a hand cannon person then u need Fatebringer
Red hand cannot get firefly. Red hand cannot be arc damage. Fatebringer will always be superior in pve because of those two things. Red hand can still be really good with the right perks. Just not as good as fatebringer.
Fate bringer is up here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Hand IX is down here
Firefly with arc damage, enough said. Fatebringer wrecks! People try to weigh it up as a standard hand cannon, it's not. It is a mob destroyer and no other weapon apart from a rocket stands up to it. People try to compare the firefly perk. FB is an arc damage firefly perk that wrecks near everything. So many times I've put one round into a enemy and watched the chain reaction on ten+ enemies explode. It's the best pve hand cannon if not primary hands down.
fatebringer is the best all around hand cannon. with its perks/arc burn nothing else can compete. do i use it for every situation? not always, but it is the gun that i constantly keep going back to
Just depends on the roll you get.I got Red Hand with rangefinger,luck in the chamber,prefer high caliber rounds over explosive....ehh good luck.
Never stop pursuing Fatebringer until you have at least one for each character!!!
The Fatebringer is one of the best guns in the game. I like the Red Hand IX but the firefly/outlaw combo is amazing. I would like my RH more if I had something other than "Who's next" for my final perk. Gun is on my Hunter if you're curious.
I'm a hand cannon lover and that's the only class weapon I use. I own all hand cannons in the game with the exception of hawkmoon (xbox). In my personal experience Red Hand IX is an exceptional HC and is very fun to use. With the right perks is a very viable option to play competitive in PvP. Now, with that being said. If you are a PvE player you can to continue the grind for the one and only PvE "King". I'm serious and there is no joke on this bro...there is no other weapon or hand cannon like the "King". There is nothing in comparison to's that simple. I like PvP and I'm decent not the best in PvP. I'm mostly a very good PvE player (which is not hard to and with my experience, I must say Fatebringer beats any other weapon hands down. Any great PvE player can go into VoG or CE against any other player with any other weapon of their choice and guess who will have the most kills at the end...yes the player with Fatebringer, it's a fact already no matter what others try to say. Fatebringer gets the job done the quickest and most effective way. Red hand IX is amazing but compared to Fatebringer is like comparing a Ford Mustang with a Lamborghini...just not fair. Go and keep on grinding for the "King" and after you obtain it you will understand clearly what I'm talking about. People on these forums are naive and blind asking why so much hype for this gun? It's just not because of firefly's much's facts. I love my Fatebringer because it's the best weapon for PvE and I can get more kills with it than any other weapon...period. As a matter of fact, is the very first weapon I'll ascend when HoW is out. I'll ascend Fatebringer first than even Gjallarhorn...Gjallarhorn can wait...but my Fatebringer can't wait.
FB is the only HC with Firefly (not to be confused with Explosive Rounds) and the only HC with arc damage. This is what makes FB the best PVE Handcannon out there, and it's not even close.
I love red hand! I mainly use HC and have them all, old and new (except bloody hawkmoon). Red hand is without any doubt one of the best HC... Beside fatebringer!! As a fact FB is THE best HC, or even the best weapon in this game. It has everything a HC needs us arc and firefly!! But I do use red hand too, as its great fun!!
The chance and timirs lash are great if you get differnt rolls than the vendor set
With the right perks red hand is an absolute beast. My hunter has one with zen moment, send it (doubles the range, yes doubles!!) And crowd control. Fate bringer is great but it isn't the be all end all.
Red Hand - PVP depending on the roll FateBringer - no substitute in PVE
firefly is what makes fatebringer good - not explosive rounds. red hand is good but not fatebringer-good for pve.
I have both I prefer to use fatebringer in pve and my red hand in pvp I have send it on it so I would be able to do the same amount of damage at in increased range
Fatebringer is always better, my red hand sucks doh
Got both red hand and FB. Quite bad perks on my red hand but I still lovem both. But fatebringer is a gun of the game. A must have
Get it, once you can get it to 365 it'll be awesome
Modifié par Whysummondemons : 5/8/2015 8:29:45 PMSince I can never get fatebringer, I use TFWPKY 1969. have mine on my warlock it's a real nice roll for my playstyle.