publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
And to who?
[quote]How are you running the website? Are you renting a server?[/quote]
To El Burninator
Post the last message you sent!
[quote]Yo dude, if you've got some spare time coming up, do ya wanna get together to try and crack the rest of the Coup problems? Like smoothing out the Avatars not appearing in PM's, that profile popup thingy and some forum posts? Could even try and set the wheels in motion for the member backgrounds and whatnot if you're up for the challenge. [/quote]to Mojo
I asked some pedofile named addiecorps to stop harassing kids in my neighborhood. I don't think he's stopped yet.
"Please stop sending me dick pics" To Bobcast
[quote]Who never existed[/quote] To Olive
[quote]I don't see why not.[/quote] To Lethenza
I've never sent a PM.
[quote]We don't need to tell anyone else.[/quote] To Kashmir
A PS4 buddy was all excited and said Big Trouble in Little China is on Netflix. I responded, "That's a classic right there! ;) Love that movie - awesome, cheesy, cheesy-cool, fun."
Editado por The Cellar Door: 11/2/2016 10:57:42 PM[quote]Yes, it's the connection between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex in the brain. It doesn't develop until about 24 weeks into gestation, and without it, we wouldn't have a conscious, or be able to perform many human-defining actions.[/quote] To Fishfry023
Editado por CAMMCAM: 11/2/2016 3:44:10 PM"I love food." Oh, on here? "Thank you" to Cozmo.
Editado por Jörmungandr: 11/2/2016 11:33:09 PMI think it was when I was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) RPing
[quote]Gay power[/quote] To Nick Young
"Kek" To Krishna's Prophet
To Darth Wayde 6 "-blam!- yea welcome back lol" [spoiler]wort[/spoiler] [spoiler]wort[/spoiler]
Editado por Deleted: 11/1/2016 1:13:47 PMSent one to my pm chat typing the lyrics of the song space oddity. [spoiler]"THIS IS MAJOR TOM TO GROUND CONTROL"[/spoiler]
To "Death" [quote]you're*[/quote] He had just sent me a message saying "lol why comment when your being negative kid"
Editado por Sneak Attack 65: 11/2/2016 7:57:31 AM[quote]You got it![/quote] To FenixAbate22
[quote]Wu has left the conversation[/quote] Someone requesting to join a group.
Editado por Drunk Coyote: 11/2/2016 6:27:16 AM[insert Discord link] To [Redacted user] [spoiler]I ain't posting a full Discord link here ;][/spoiler]
[quote]Cool.[/quote] To Beemo
Editado por Shaft: 11/2/2016 5:21:45 AM[quote]Grrr[/quote] To TRICK 0R BREED. [spoiler];)[/spoiler]
Editado por Agent NovaScotia: 11/2/2016 4:09:29 AMSo like a baneblade on steroids? To Michael, Rhynerd, Alpharius Omegon, and ghost59 Aka FORGE WORLD BNET
[quote]Cool, I'll keep that in mind if I come to reconsider.[/quote] To Krishnas Prophet. He invited me to a group that he founded, and I politely declined. Not because I have any issue with him in particular, private groups are just a pointless endeavor to me. I actually just left the Coup group the other day because, well...with the script broken and nobody bothering to fix it, the group had nothing left for me.
[quote]To Whitigoh: Hello[/quote]