publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
American Flag proudly made in the U.S.A. Assembled in China
It's funny because people ITT are using this (jokingly I'm sure, but still) to say this is why we need Trump. While Trump said he'd bring factories here, the flag is already (allegedly) [i]made[/i] in the USA but I guess, due to labor costs, it is assembled in China. Trump already wants to raise minimum wage (lol @ conservatives) so it would [i]still[/i] be made over there because it's cheaper to send it over seas to be put together. But, yeah, that's stupid. I guess people who are inside for long periods can use it indoors to have a waving flag. Still dumb though.
Kids are better at putting all the little parts together. Small hands and what not.
Seen tags on clothing that said material made in USA, assembled in Guam before.
That makes no sense. Does anyone have a similar level of intelligence that could help explain this company's thought process?
[quote]American Flag proudly made in the U.S.A. Assembled in China[/quote] wat
Welp. Bye.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - antiguos
This....this is what we've become. -
The Stars and Stripes, brought to you by the Hammer and Sickle.
It must be a gift for a person to take anything related to America, and turn it into an argument for Trump2016. Like, really.
I would say that's pretty American considering it's a part of capitalism. Pretty ironic for China tho, ya know... with the whole communism thing....
Taking cloth seriously is stupid
Wow. That's jokes only 20+ years old. Way to keep beating a dead horse.
This is why we need Trump.
Made in the USA, assembled in China, burnt in Iran!
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Makes me wonder if the foreigners are laughing when they make that stuff. Cause I would
Ah man i was going to post... Made in China... Too late...
"Realistic waving action"