publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
[url=]Isn't that adorable <3[/url]
*screams* CAT!!!!!!
My dog would snuggle with it. [spoiler]my other dog would annoy and bite the shit out of that[/spoiler]
Dogs will always be better!
Very Floofy
I like your cat, and I don't like cats.
Hey, I have a kitten that I want to get rid of. It is my girlfriend's kitten, but she went on a three month vacation to France and is probably cheating on me every chance she gets, so I am going to get rid of her kitten to spite her. The kitten is only a month old. Unfortunately the kitten is not black, it is white, but I can dunk him in a can of black paint if you want. I have acrylic latex enamel paint, but if you are allergic to latex, I also have polyurethane semi-gloss. I personally think the semi-gloss would make the kitten nice and shiny. Let me know if you want him.
I want 36.
Thats cute
Adorable. Does Floof browse OffTopic too? I have too many human friends.
ERMAHGERD ITS ADORABLE!!! *head asplodes*
i want to pet floof
I'd tap that
I want a flood!
That looks like my sisters cat
10/10 would pet