You suck pole fam?
Sorry take that back you're cool you've been here longer than me *cheers
You're drunk kody go home.
Oh you're drunk? Unlikely. But you made an AMA, the cancer of OffTopic? Have some more drinks then go for a drive
Editado por TailoredShip3: 2/18/2016 7:24:03 AMxDD [spoiler]Whats the last book you read that you couldn't put down [/spoiler] [spoiler]how would you describe yourself in three words[/spoiler] [spoiler]which animal do you consider to be sexiest[/spoiler] [spoiler]what 3 things in nature do you find to be the most beautiful[/spoiler] [spoiler]would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds[/spoiler] [spoiler]would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing[/spoiler]
How many sex has Greg maked
Who was phone?
Hungover yet?
Am I autistic?
c o o l b r o
Can you describe yourself as an animal pls
On what?
Off of what.
How's it been?