publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
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[spoiler]I've been banned once on this site. Years ago I made a poll in The Flood asking, "How do you wipe? Standing up or sitting down?" Because I always wiped standing up, and found out from friends they all did it sitting down. This was both funny and interesting. So I made a post in OT. It actually garnered reasonable discussion (relative to the topic anyway) and never diminished into what any reasonable person who has a personality for video games would consider a violation of appropriate OT topics, let alone of any Bnet rule ever. Foman thought it "inappropriate" and not only locked it but banned me. I will always be bitter about this and will continue to share it with you all at least once a year.
This OP is even more graphic than the original. Not for the lowest .01% of the faint.[/spoiler]
I've always wiped standing up. I suppose I got it from my dad.
I used to think everyone did (why not?), yet upon talking with others throughout life, I've learned I'm in the minority. I find this interesting. In my view, it seems more logical to wipe standing up.
- you won't get your arm near the nasty as -blam!- toilet seat
- after testing, I found range of motion is increased and therefore the formation of dingleberries is decreased
- you supposedly look stupider (who gives a -blam!-; let the -blam!-er with the hidden camera have their fix of relief)
How do you wipe? Why?
People wipe standing up? Do they piss hanging upside down too? Cause that makes about as much sense.