publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
Nintendo 64 was the first console I ever got. Other than playing the Age of Empires 2 demo on PC, the first two games I ever played were Super Mario 64 and 007: Goldeneye. I then enjoyed countless hours on SSB, Pokemon: Snap, Pokemon: Stadium, SW: Rogue Squadron, SW: Shadows of the Empire, SW: Racer, and so many others!
Then my dad pawned my 64 and that was that.
Then my girlfriend got a 64 from a garage sale! I got her a second controller for Christmas, and now we're hunting games. Apart from the classics I enjoyed when I was but a wee wizard, I'm making a list of games I never played that I should have, and I'm asking for your help!
[b][i][u]Must haves[/u][/i][/b]
Pokemans: Snap
Pokemans: Stadium
007: Goldeneye
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart
SW: Rogue Squadron
SW: Shadows of the Empire
SW: Racer
Zelda (which one should I play first?)
Perfect Dark
Editado por Goose: 1/31/2016 8:01:58 PMCONKERS BAD FUR DAY. GET IT. STAR FOX 64. CMON MAN. UHHH.DONKEY KONG 64. Ocarina of Time
It doesn't matter which Zelda you play first, they're both amazing. Pokemon: Puzzle League, if you like puzzle games. Mario Party 2 & 3 Paper Mario Banjo-Kazooie Kirby and the Crystal Shards Starcraft (If you have played it on PC already, I feel like that's where most people play it.) Bomberman Donkey Kong 64 Castlevania Turok Star Fox
Editado por Jumbo: 1/20/2016 3:07:39 AMI still have my Nintendo 64. All the games still with it. Too bad I can't find one of the cords :(
Editado por ThunderD: 1/19/2016 10:24:20 PMWinback covert ops & Spiderman
Oh shit forgot about turok back when it was about dinosaurs and not doom quake-ish
Pilot wings
I'm surprised that no one mentioned south park 64, you haven't played a shooter until you've shot the cow launcher.
I know that feel bro, my mother gave away my N64 when I was around 14 because she thought I didn't use it anymore. It was tucked away in my closet and I still liked taking it out on occasion. The feels.
Editado por rusty pinecone: 1/19/2016 9:46:17 PMDonkey kong 64 Super mario 64 Zelda: Ocarina of Time AND Majoras Mask Banjo Kazooie My other suggestions you have covered already. Didn't see Super Mario 64 on your list, oh well it deserves another mention.
You need Banjo Kazooie in your life, son.
Well IDK about must have, but my N64 is hooked up right now, so let me just list a few games that I still play to this day. Doom 64 Mario Tennis [spoiler]Don't laugh it's a really fun game, especially if you have people to play with [/spoiler] Rampage World Tour Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Quake Wrestlemania 2000 Duke Nukem 64 Hexen Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mortal Kombat 4 Fighter's Destiny [spoiler]Little known, but perhaps one of the best fighting games on the 64 in my opinion[/spoiler] Mario Party 2 Resident Evil 2
Nice website, take a look. ;>
Editado por A556ForHadji: 1/18/2016 1:27:03 AMZelda ocarina of time first. But I remember I got cruisin the world first. Bomberman Kirby Crystal shards
Try mission impossible
Duke Nukem 64
To advocate for a game I haven't seen anybody else mention, Space Station Silicon Valley is a quirky and unique game that'd be fun for you to pick up. With regards to your question on Zelda, in my opinion Ocarina of Time hasn't aged well, Majora's Mask is the better game.
Donkey kong 64 Zelda OOT
Ssbm is better
Find Shadowman64. Play Shadowman64.
Hey, looks like you found one of my old family videos.
Hey you Pikachu! Came with a microphone and you could order Pikachu around... A game that is over a decade old has better technology than modern games :|
Super Mario tennis Demolition derby 64 Donky kong 64
Paper mario Mario 64 Mario party Perfect dark And Zelda Turok Golden eye
Don't forget podracing! [spoiler]rip rrjabbatabacus[/spoiler]
Turok Mario Kart 64 San Francisco Rush 2 NFL Blitz