publicado originalmente en:United Guardian Alliance
Or as alive as it was before? Remember the council is not the only one that makes the decisions around here, you can make a difference. So what do you have in mind?
Kill infamy and his godawful storytelling
Free burritos for every active member, extra cheesy obvs
Halo 3 game nights.
More meet ups
More bacon
More nude pics.
More racist jokes would be a start.
we should all add each other on what ever console we got and have like a game night.Then we can make a youtube and twitch account.Our population will expand because of this.
Killing off members one by a friendly game of Halo!
Game night. Maybe local meet and greet. MORE ACTIVITY FROM EVERYONE!!! Seriously like all the other groups I've seen have no activity.
Maybe a game night that is annual such as a set day time game and who to join. I say who ever is in charge decides what time what game that is popular to the gaming community. I'm on the 360 and I think GTA V or COD ghosts and BF 4 should be made into a poll to decide a game to play maybe on Saturday starting at 1:00 eastern time zone in America. This would really show how we come together so we know who we like and who to avoid because if age playing style race sex ECT. Maybe a admin could host it and do some gameplay for a bit then kick back and see us do our work.