Bipolar disorder. I have a good friend that's bipolar so the more I know about it, the better of a friend I can be. At least that's my thought process.
I have Asperger's, so I guess I find that most interesting. Frankly, I'm hesitant to read up on it because I don't want to end up subliminally conforming to the symptoms (?). I'm much better at interacting with people than I used to be, but all of the other signs--repetitive/ritualistic behaviors, unusual nonverbal communication, long-winded one-sided conversations, extremely narrow interests--are all there.
On a serious note schizophrenics are quite interesting to read about, my uncle is schizo. He once ran into a bunch of mosques and stole qurans. Lmao another time he took off his clothes in public and started running around. He's hilarious
Borderline personality disorder, so many people I know have it... It's almost funny watching them go into a tizzy, but then I just end up feeling bad for them.
Hur dur the 1u hav
Editado por Gatsby: 6/13/2014 9:16:16 PMLMAOOOO
whatever you have
Manic Depressive/Bipolar people. Mostly because my mother is a diagnosed Manic Depressive and I show a lot of signs of being it also.
whichever one op has [spoiler]<3[/spoiler]