Hello everybody, it is time to put together the best of the best we can in destiny. This is a brand new clan I am starting and i need help getting it to where it needs to be. If you join up i can promise you that i will do what I can to make your Destiny experience great. I have experience running clans throughout different games I have played and have been successful. I am looking for help though, I need a chain of command that can help me run this clan to its potential it has. Next we will put together a strong stable family to do raids, crucibles, strikes, and anything else in between. I apologize but this is for serious gamers only so, mics are required. If interested please contact me and apply for the clan. This is a XB1 Clan for now but we will be expanding once we get bigger. Contact me GT: xcal513
Check out our website which is currently still in construction and join it
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