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Blackwater Security

"Time To Nut Up Or Shut Up"

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    Hello everybody, it is time to put together the best of the best we can in destiny. This is a brand new clan I am starting and i need help getting it to where it needs to be. If you join up i can promise you that i will do what I can to make your Destiny experience great. I have experience running clans throughout different games I have played and have been successful. I am looking for help though, I need a chain of command that can help me run this clan to its potential it has. Next we will put together a strong stable family to do raids, crucibles, strikes, and anything else in between. I apologize but this is for serious gamers only so, mics are required. If interested please contact me and apply for the clan. This is a XB1 Clan for now but we will be expanding once we get bigger. Contact me GT: xcal513 Check out our website which is currently still in construction and join it [url][/url]

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publicado originalmente en:Blackwater Security
10/31/2014 4:16:11 PM

Problems WITH Bungie

Bungie what is wrong with you people. How about you all make things a little fair. PS4 gets ninja and now this. So xbox1 customers didn't spend the same amount of money on the game or something cause I'm sure we did but of course we get less. Second what the hell is with this game and missions. Wtf you give us 1 raid a week, a weekly, a daily, a nightfall, and shit bounties that are always repeated every week. What's funny as hell is I complete all these in one day along with the people that do them with me. Now we have not a damn thing to do until next week. Oh and strange coins. Your saying I have to save for 2 to 3 weeks to get enough strange coins to buy something from Xur. Holy hell I might as well go sit on FarmVille and waste my time. Your updates suck or the lack there of, I still get disconnected all the time which means ya lied and didn't fix the problem. Oh and people are having fun knocking atheon off the map but we can't have fun so let's just take it away. There is no trade system, come on what is this. You call yourselves a mmorpg but you don't even have a trade system , really the pinnacle of socially interactive gaming, and y'all don't have it. Nice Finally your crucible is just sad, I die late behind walls, the hunters are the most deadly weapons. with 3 shots from a gold gun or knife dance which kills a hell of a lot but look at my warlock who can use a 1 go attack special or another one that don't even attack. Your scout rifle is finally boosted which took a stupid amount of time. Idk the game has a great concept but horrible staffing, the game looks to be dieing. It's just the same shit every week, how about throw another event out there because it's been 3-4 weeks. Get it together Bungie because your losing your fan base that has been playing your games and spending money on you for years and years.

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  • 1. "How about you all make things a little fair. PS4 gets ninja and now this" Playstation have the rights to early content, exclusive content and 'Better treatment" Microsoft didn't spend their money where it should have gone, to Destiny. This explains why PSN users get to play with Bungie Corp staff. 2. "Second what the hell is with this game and missions. Wtf you give us 1 raid a week, a weekly, a daily, a nightfall, and shit bounties that are always repeated every week. What's funny as hell is I complete all these in one day along with the people that do them with me. Now we have not a damn thing to do until next week." I agree more content needs to be released, and soon will be. A new Raid, Missions, Strikes and more. 3. "Oh and strange coins. Your saying I have to save for 2 to 3 weeks to get enough strange coins to buy something from Xur. Holy hell I might as well go sit on FarmVille and waste my time." FarmVille was a brilliant game :P. The idea is what once you become a higher level, 27+ you will be able to complete the Daily/Weekly/Nightfall on the highest level; 28. This will give you more strange coins. The 28 Weekly gives you 9 Strange coins and the Nightfall gives you a possible 10. If you have more than one character of the same class, you can transfer your gear and do them all over again, meaning you can earn a possible 27 Strange coins a week. 4. "I still get disconnected all the time which means ya lied and didn't fix the problem." The Zebra and centipede errors have been split into categories which will give Bungie a better understanding of why there is so many disconnects, thus creating an update to eradicate the errors. 5. "Oh and people are having fun knocking atheon off the map but we can't have fun so let's just take it away." Knocking Atheon off the edge was never an intentional way of killing him. Bungie simply did not realise that one could punch their Boss off the edge of the Vault floor. 6. "There is no trade system, come on what is this. You call yourselves a mmorpg but you don't even have a trade system , really the pinnacle of socially interactive gaming, and y'all don't have it. Nice" A trade system would make this game too easy. People would take advantage of this, and create some kind of exploit to duplicate and copy items. It would be nice to have the Exotic Gauntlets my best friend has for his Hunter, but I can wait until I get them myself. 7. "Finally your crucible is just sad, I die late behind walls, the hunters are the most deadly weapons. with 3 shots from a gold gun or knife dance which kills a hell of a lot but look at my warlock who can use a 1 go attack special or another one that don't even attack." If you are being shot whist running onto cover, then this indicates lag. Could be your lag, could be the server. Who knows. Every class of Guardian is equipped with the perfect SubClasses to kill the enemy, or defend yourself. Simply jump/Blink out of the way of an oncoming BladeDancer. We are very vulnerable if we SuperCharge more than 10 meters a way. 8. "It's just the same shit every week, how about throw another event out there because it's been 3-4 weeks." Bungie released news of a new Iron Banner event which will enable you to receive gear to level your character further to level 30. [url][/url]

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