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I'm clan free need one down for what ever ps4 Frezneck23
Hello [b]frezneck23[/b], you have been invited to join [b]Winter Clan[/b], a large community with divisions in 20+ games spanning over 4 major consoles with an average of [b]7000[/b] active members. In destiny alone we have over [b]5000[/b] members signed up and run daily events covering a number of activities in the game All that we ask from you is that you abide by our rules, have access to discord and a microphone and be over 16. If you are interested in joining please visit the following link which will direct you to our discord, from there we can set you up into one of our many destiny clans. Discord: Website: [i]Thanks for reading ~ Mikestrike03[/i]
[b]Who are we? [/b] We are The Shadow Syndication, a medium sized PS4 clan and founder clan of The Shadow Federation of associated clans that support and help each other to fulfil events where there isn't a full fireteam. [b] What are we looking for? [/b] We're looking for Guardians that want to join in on activities and events and who want to be a part of a team. We want team players! [b]What time zones do we support? [/b] We have members in the USA so we support EST to PST. We also have members in Europe, including the UK. [b]What are our rules? [/b] We only have a few and these are for everybody's benefit. 1. Must join our Discord and Guilded servers within 48 hours of being accepted. 2. Must have a working microphone. 3. Show respect to your team mates, we accept Guardians of all ages, races, creed, and religion. We do not discriminate. 4. You MUST hit your weekly clan XP contribution of 5000xp 5. You MUST take part in AT LEAST 1 clan event in a 2 week period. If there are no events that suit your availability then you can request an event. [b]How do we communicate? [/b] We use Discord primarily but we also use a platform called Guilded ([url][/url]) which is very similar and has been designed specifically for clans, the bonus being that this has an event calendar built into it. It's also useful for backup when Discord goes down. [b]How do you join? [/b] Click our link [url][/url] to apply. Remember, wars are won in the shadows!
- New Ps4 clan looking for members. Relaxed clan for guardian's of all light levels and experience. No requirements needed ( you will not be kicked from the clan if you don't reach the 5k, people have lives and play other games other than destiny) D1 and D2 members welcome. Raids will be done once we get enough members. Crucible and Gambit runs will be done daily for those who need it. Strikes and Nightfall will also be done daily for those who need it. Feel free to message me for more information. Discord app is in use for the clan to chat and create lfgs for events. Mics will be needed for raids. Don't be a potato (you need to be able to have a joke and have a laugh) All time zones welcome