Whenever I see one of these events the minotaur just teleports and runs and ends up getting to the end with well over 3 minutes left on the clock. Im not trying to complain that they are to hard to solo because I know that they are meant to be fought by multiple people, but when they just teleport and run to the end they end up getting there in like 40 seconds. I just did one where I actually had to get on my sparrow in order to catch up with him since he teleported straight past me multiple times and then started running as fast as a guardian can run. While on foot I could barely keep up with him, but I wouldnt be able to shoot him if I was. Even when I got on my sparrow and got ahead of him he just teleported 50 feet ahead of me and kept on trucking. There was only one moment where he actually stopped to fight me, but it was only for about 5 seconds then he teleported away and was a few feet from the final checkpoint.
I've had fights like that just end at the 3rd check point, it's really frustrating because I was clearly on top, but then the creature (had it happen with Minotaur, and captain) just decided they had had enough and made the 3rd check point the final check point, and disappear...
A lot of people fail to realize that getting within melee range causes them to attempt to melee you, which in turn MAKES THEM STOP MOVING THROUGH CHECKPOINTS...
Editado por Drakan: 11/10/2014 7:13:03 AMWhy do you write they need to be completed by multiple people? This should not be the case IMHO. I believe one player alone should be able to do it unassisted. I solo all public events except Vex sacrifices and some Eliminate the Target (such as Fallen captains which basically sprint faster than Bolt himself from checkpoint to checkpoint).
you talking about the one in Mars? i saw him today, he died before 40 secs went past. so i guess he did not have enough time to teleport. next time i'll try to kill him slowly just to see.
This happened to me. It was me (29) and two 28's. We started laying some bullets then he ran a couple feet and teleported from the first checkpoint to 75+ feet away at the last checkpoint and it ended. Thats broken.
There have been a few times where I'm on Mars and I see that bastard. He stops and fights me for about 10 seconds. After I take down his shield, he teleports from two steps outside his spawn to 5 feet outside his last checkpoint. I thought the servers/my internet was being wonky and there were bouts of lag or something. Side note: anyone else (preferably on Xbox One) constantly getting weasel/bee/fly errors?
I've had this happen with other enemies before, they'll teleport from checkpoint 1 or 2 straight to the last, skipping multiple checkpoints making it impossible to complete. Even if I'm shooting at them and they have no shield, they'll just teleport to the last checkpoint no matter how much time's left on the clock.
Editado por MagneticZ33: 11/10/2014 4:41:15 AMI saw this Minotard twice today...needed a bunch of relic shards first that foolio dashes for the finish line with plenty of time next encounter I was more prepared and prevailed -trick don't let them regenerate his shield and he won't run
Knock his head off then he can't tp
Yeah, this happens on mars quite a bit. I did a post to bungie a week or so ago asking if it was a glitch or part of how the game is supposed to work.
I find these pretty easy to solo as a sunsinger. I spam fusion grenades and use Corrective Measure.
Couldn't stop laughing at having to get on your sparrow.
Don't even bother with these events anymore unless there are at lest four decent level guardians to help out. I understand the emphasis on socializing and everything, but at least develop a system that calculates the amount of players that are in a given server before you drop an event. No one likes being the singular person trying to attack the checkpoint gods.
I think is all eliminate the target events, I've had problems with them on all planets.
It's risky, but I find if you stand right in front of their path, they'll stop running and keep trying to melee you. :P
7 gjallahorn rockets = win :)
Editado por Duke of Denver: 11/10/2014 4:40:05 AMI used to think they were impossible without at least 4 high level guardians in on it. With a maxed out Gjallahorn though, they are all easily solo-able. Probably the easiest/fastest public events there are for me now.
I've had trouble keeping up with them, shooting, and reloading.
Yea try it with the psions too, they will teleport 3 checkpoints at one time and you have little to no chance to win.
Yea the captains are a bitch too.
This happens to me every time I do the eliminate target public event at the very start on mars. Also the only reason I have silver or bronze ratings from public events