Check it out PVP lovers, (Ronster398 Excluded) the Iron Banner is back! Seems that they revoked our ranks though? Strange, there is some new gear as well as a shotgun available for purchase when you hit different ranks. I will be going for some stuff in there of course so join me or anyone else in the clan to help out. Speaking of helping out and all, I sent out an invite to the clan to 3 people. I met them last night and they were awesome enough to get me through the nightfall strike and get me another Suros Auto Rifle. (What am I gonna do with that? Lol.) Welcome them if they join and as always help out each other when you can. *Thumbs up*
Make sure to post your days and times that are good to run the Raid for the week on the Group Wall. Remember that if you have more than one character to give multiple days so we can help you with those ones too.
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