Dear Bungie,
Since the release of the game I have done, with ease, the things which should be nerfed or banned which includes:
-Kill more than one person in Crucible
-Beat Atheon by being one of the three who get teleported to get Relic
-Using Weapons which can get a kill in less than one clip
-Investigating Rumors and confirming extreme feats (Jumping over the Hellmouth)
-Playing the game and grinding for hours
-Grinding for hours and continuing to play even though I haven't gotten any incredible loot chests (i.e, Legendary Engrams)
-Beating the raid on Hard, gettting nothing but a 5th Sparrow, a Second ship, and a 3rd or 4th Vision of Confluence, and continuing to play
-Holding out and telling people "It'll get better guys!" or "Destiny is still fun"
Please patch me nerf me or ban me because I have gone against everything that you have stated either by your words or actions. It would be greatly appreciated if you could nerf me soon.
Also, My super can kill an enemy in one shot (Goledn Gun) or in one slash (Arc Blade)
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