PS4 - level 27 warlock - psn OUTBACKTHUNDER
So me and my 2 friends were doing the lvl 28 weekly strike and when the final Boss was just about to die the servers disconnected me but not my friends. after about 3 minutes of connecting to servers I loaded my character back up and my friends were already in orbit. They got their 9 strange coins but i didn't. If it isn't too much to ask could I please maybe have the strange coins or even just one so i can buy from Xur this weekend.
Been screwed like that too. Sometimes you're the bat, but other times you're the ball. :(
Man.I seriously know what you are feeling right now.The same thing happened to me yesterday.So I just asked my friend if he would so it again and he said ok but I think this is not possible for the nightfall right?
Editado por comiclegregblade: 10/7/2014 11:22:00 AMYou can't but you may be able to re-do the strike and still gain the strange coins if they are still listed