Mañana, Destiny 2 estará fuera de línea temporalmente debido a operaciones programadas de mantenimiento. Permanece atento a @BungieHelp para conocer las novedades.
[b]Hey guys, so I just made the clan today (September 11th, 2014) a big day in our country's history. This clan is going to be dedicated to doing as much endgame content as possible. That means heroic strikes for rep and gear, crucible[/spoiler] matches for rep and gear, and last but not least, RAIDS!!! for rep and gear of course. We are willing to help low levels in completeing missions and leveling up and collecting gear to also partake in more endgame. If you do not know, you have to have a lvl of 25, thats level 20 plus 5 levels of light from gear, to enter the first raid coming out on September 16th. We probably won't be able to do the raid in the first week since it is going to require a lot of heroic strike farming. However, I will continually farm to the point that we will have an easier time catching others up. There are no set raid days as of now. So if you join, go ahead and enjoy the downtime of having no schedule; however, when we have six, yes, it takes six people, geared up, we will make a schedule to run the raid once, twice, or three times a week. Simply because when you start a raid, the progress remains the same till every Tuesday. That is when the server's reset and you start the raid all over. You can only complete the raid once a week for gear drops. If you've ever played World of Warcraft or a similar mmo, you'll understand the concept. Here's to hoping we grow and have fun. Let's make a name for ourselves in the destiny community.[/b]
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