Update 6 -> If the cow community could keep it down we mite have a good conversation thread going.
Update 5 -> To all the men and premature teens saying stuff about the name female, ladies, girls, women what is the big deal? You now I'm talking about the other gender.
Update 4 -> If all the cows could refrain from mooing that would be greatly appreciated.
Update 3 -> For the love of Betty Crocker I'm sorry to all the other species and mythical creatures that I forgot to include in the poll.
Update 2 -> Xbox gamers claim there are many female gamers (which there is a good amount) however they do not realize that the PS3 & PS4 community doesn't have nearly as many female gamers combined.
Update-> I do realize guys can vote as girls.
-> Please only choose your gender! I'm pretty sure we all would like to see just how many girls are going to be playing Destiny. <-
[spoiler]I'm not trying to pick up girls, just new friends in the opposite gender[/spoiler]
Just an PS3 gamer looking a female guardian that knows how to fight.
I liek da vimminz...