Why is cow an option? I don't understand!
lol But really, us girls make up 40% of the gamer population. We're not THAT incredibly hard to find.
This is a misnomer. Women do indeed make up 48% of the gaming population actually. BUT This is only when you consider every single game. In that percentage is included all of the farmvilles, that candy crushes, the temple runs and so on. When you restrict it to just console games, the percentage is actually 12%. Yes, 12%.
They just don't talk lol..
On PS3 I've encountered at least 23 and the exact number is probably under 3,000 which is not a lot considering there's so many different games they could be playing. Girls on PS3 are treated as diamonds (yes there mite be a lot of perverts) but really it just because its very rare that we find the other gender playing on a very low populated console.
The vast majority of that 40% plays Candy Crush and Farmville almost exclusively. When it comes to playing a FPS on a dedicated gaming console, it's statistically not very common.
There are actually more females playing console games Source: http://www.trcpodcast.com/trc-312-gamer-stats-adult-women-vs-teenage-boys-deer-puff-the-magic-dragon-is-about-pot/#more-1997 If you really want to check it out they start talking about male vs female game preferences at 12:30
I'm not going to listen to a podcast to hear someone spout a statistic. I can think of few pieces of evidence less convincing than hearsay about a statistic that may well not exist in any actual study. "Are more females playing console games?" is misleading, and deliberately so. In comparison to what? I'm sure there are more females playing console games now than when I was young, if only because consoles were comparatively rare and the population was significantly smaller. The first relevant question is: "What percentage of females play video games on a console?" Looking at my daughters and their female friends, I can't put the number any higher than about 13%. Most of that is from my actively corrupting my own children, so it's likely severely inflated. The second is "What percentage of males play video games on a console?" Again, looking at my daughter's peers, the answer seems to be "all of them". The third is "How much time does the average female console gamer spend playing console video games compared to the average male console gamer?" I don't have a good way to get solid numbers on this, but since my daughters likely inflated the participation rate, I'll also use this as the benchmark average to generate a SWAG. Over the summer vacation, one spent at most 50 hours playing console games. The other spent,at most 30 hours. I'd be willing to bet that most of their male peers beat those benchmarks. So Females play console games at a much lower rate than do males. and The female players who do play console games also likely play them less than their male counterparts. As a result Any individual person you encounter on-line through a console game is overwhelmingly likely to be male. Kindly note that I'm not saying anything disparaging about female gamers. I'm just noting their relative rarity. ;) If the female half of the species spontaneously developed an overwhelming appreciation for video games, baseball, football, cars, beer, hunting, and fishing, the male half of the species would be nothing less than overwhelmingly ecstatic!
Nicely done.
Editado por Faithlesswolf: 9/5/2014 9:12:38 PMLol... So against statistics about gaming habits collected by a scientific university study you cite your anecdotal experience watching your daughters and their friends? All righty then. I'm just gonna hold up my hands and back away from this one. Just for the record though, if we want to play the "in my limited personal xp" game; I, and many other gamer girls I've spoken with, rarely announce our femaleness in a game. It tends to get in the way. No disrespect meant. Peace man :)
You mean, that hypothetical study you've yet to provide any actual evidence of? If you want to cite it, link it and cite it. You haven't done that. So far, you've given us no reason to believe that such a study actually exists. But here's some more anecdotal evidence: I'm an Admin of a Clan rapidly approaching the membership cap. The sum total of all those applying for membership with an identifiably female name? One.
Pssst.... The study is linked in the notes for the podcast that I already linked as my source ;)
Link. The. Study. This is the 21st century. Certainly it's available online.
I'm a cow and I approve this message.