Hurrr, I'm gonna pur watar on my hed insted of donateing so I can get liks on FB! Durrrrrrrrrr!
Anybody here actually donate?
I would donate if I was chosen But I'm more of the guy who sits back of the class And never speaks And when I do I scare every one
Get me a different source. This one is a conservative site, supposedly conservatives don't like ALS research because of embryonic stem cell research. Also, of course the money doesn't all go to research, it's a foundation that will use the money to advertise.
That's why I don't donate cash. I help directly or not at all. This guy I saw asked for 10$ to get some food. I went to Burger King and bought a meal and brought it back to him cause he was cool. He said "y u go and do all that I got legs meyn" I said "because I don't want ur old ass forgetting u needed food and getting Booz" he laughed but I was serious
7.2 Million is still A LOT of money for research. I can guarantee you that at the end of this campaign that number will be even higher. Want to see a true scam charity? Look at Wounded Warrior Project. WWP takes money from donations, and then donates it into smaller organizations as a tax write off. Want to help veterans? Donate to local VFW chapters. That way you know all the money is going to be used for something good. There are also other charity organizations that help wounded veterans.
Check out the stats on how many people actually donate though. It's pretty pathetically low. :(
Editado por yo412: 8/31/2014 6:45:16 AMthe ice bucket challenge is stupid, no one gives a rats ass about ALS what people do care about is looking cool on the internet. hats off to the ALS foundation for taking advantage of peoples need to vent their narcissism I hope their laughing all the way to the bank at you stupid -blam!-ers
This is why you need to verify a charity before donating to it, this kind of stuff happens all the time ;_;
Me n my family did also my lil sister put WARM water over her head it was "Cold" the retarded one said.
I donated to another charity. Gotta spread that love.
there isn't one shred of evidence on that website, and the only website it links to is some christian organization's about page. are you retarded?
Editado por HurtfulTurkey: 8/30/2014 10:53:43 PMThat's pretty typical for nonprofits. There are a lot of costs to running a business. But no, I haven't donated, and I don't think public recognition is a good motivator to giving of yourself.
Is that site even legit? Those advertizements make it look fishy.
I love when people don't understand how nonprofits work. Obviously 100% isn't going to go to research funding. Do you think these people should work for free? The largest portion will go to fundraising, which brings in more money, which means more goes to research.
Patrick Stewart cannot be beaten.
Half the people who do that stupid shit don't even know what ALS is.
The largest part goes into advertising and raising awareness to boost fundraising to put into further research.
I've heard the ALS association has a 4 out of 4 stars for a non-profit organization. Also if you actually pay attention to the chart only $1.9 mil is spent on administration, which yes is a lot but is a small percentage compared to the money spent on research, fundraising, education, and community services all of which either go to patients, labs, or events.
>Implying people were actually going to donate $100 - $1000 to an important cause instead of being a selfish Sonypony and go buy a PS4 What did you expect? Water should not be wasted anyway. LOL
Editado por Ultron: 8/30/2014 9:09:19 PMThis is why I will never donate
People shouldn't be wasting water anyway.
Even if this is true or not, cancer fundraising has had a much larger "exposé", on this sort of matter. So it's not really surprising or alarming news...
I hope all you ice bucket heads get hypothermia
I did and there's a box you can check if you want all of your money to go strictly to research...
Everyone knows I'm the als guy lol that is my head injury....
Well it things like this that make me glad I don't care about ALS[spoiler]*ducks from the incoming hate*[/spoiler]
I donated by adding to their internet fad. Popularity does a lot more than money.