As nominated and promised, I did my part (and also gave, just because you did this does not exclude you) and left a big surprise!
Wow,didn't know you had Michael Bay directing this.
Wait, we're nominating people on here now?! *Jumps into cart full of hay and hides
Im curious if someone nominates a person with ALS. Do they have to do it?
Editado por A Dozen Bananas : 8/26/2014 2:06:22 PM>speaks in quite [u]a[/u]ss mouse voice >loud [u]a[/u]ss explosion Well I didn't need my eardrums anyways
I was nominated to do Al's Ice Bucket Challenge but idk who Al is so I'm not gonna do it
I saw Michael Bay.
Should have done the ALS Ice Buckey Challenge: Doritos edition And added like AC-130 sounds and gunfire and quick scoping and memes and such
Editado por AngryBrute: 8/26/2014 6:47:08 PM
Ha abierto un tema nuevo: Ice Water Bubble Shield. List Pros and Cons.(1 Respuesta)
Heh.. Unfortunatly the explosion didn't kill you. ;)
Editado por relliK42: 8/26/2014 3:29:28 PMHoly explosion dust batman. I also missed the 24 hour mark due to college and lack of sleep. I'll donate to ALS. I may also just do the challenge for awareness.
One of the better ones I've seen. I want to see Rellik do this now.
Editado por Ingloriouswho98: 8/25/2014 3:10:35 PMtryin 2 hit me wit that w33k shit
That explosion was pretty far from you I don't think it worked
Where in the hell did you get explosives?
Editado por Legend To None: 8/25/2014 11:28:57 PMOh shit, your naming actual users...this is got real. Did you at least donate as well or just spend that money on the explosives?
Editado por NinjaNumpty: 8/25/2014 3:10:13 PMGood for you!