Are you excited? I sure as heck am.
Allen (Ben's Father)
(Maybe) The Governor
(Maybe) Glenn
I honestly cannot wait. I'm sure it'll be an exciting episode. If the governor dies, I predict it'll be by the hands of Andrea. It seems like she's taking Lilly's place in the comics. So, what's your thoughts on tonight's episode?
I wonder how different the entire prison arc for the show would be if Shane were still alive.
Guess I found a new Facebook cover photo.
well, it was pretty underwhelming, but a good ending nevertheless.
Editado por Gatsby: 4/1/2013 5:33:11 PMSeason three was utter crap, the finale was stupid. It didn't interest or thrill me like the first two seasons. I think its because the end of season two was an amazing finale, the whole Shane, Rick and herd thing was genius so I guess the finale of the season three didn't match up. I hope in season four they have left the prison and the show becomes more thrilling and heart racing.
I loved the ending, I have hated andrea since we first met her and now that she, Laurie and sophia are dead and Carl has grown a pair I am happy.
Editado por brandorobot: 4/1/2013 5:04:19 PMA lot of people who read the comics are apparently pissed about this episode. I haven't though so I don't care, I liked it.
WHAT THE HELL MAN. At least Andrea died :D I hope Breaking Bad has a better ending.
I liked that ending. Maybe it was because I felt sympathy for Andrea. The opening scene was masterfully done, but the prison attack was a bit underwhelming. All in all, a good way to wrap up the season.
So weak man. -emotional finale is just killing off a character everyone hated anyway -Guvnah still alive -24/27 deaths were nameless Red Shirts -still in the prison At least we've got based Carl now. Calling a Negan/Carl relationship next season with Guvnah/Carl instead.
I feel like comic book fans of TWD felt this season finale was sub par. Idk I never read the comics.
Worst season finale ever. It does not make me want to watch season 4 whatsoever. The whole Andrea thing was far drawn out far too much. The whole action scene at the prison was retarded, and I thought it was funny they thought the Governor wouldn't come back after they scared him away. The Governor going crazy was cool, but two guys going with him was -blam!-ing retarded. That one guy should have shot him and got it over with. Also, Carl going crazy was more funny than anything else.
Editado por GKR: 4/1/2013 2:07:39 AMWow. That ending was remarkably underwhelming.
So where is the food going to magically appear for all those people >_>
HELL NO. I liked Andrea..
Actually I take back what I said. This was a good ending.
Carl does not seem to happy about that. STAYING FOR TALKING DEAD FOR NORMAN
Now that was a good episode. I didn't understand what Carl said though, about not killing somebody that killed Laurie? And it looks like the people from Woodbury are now at the prison.
How dare you guys! Andrea only wanted what was best for everyone... :(
I hope Carl dies a horrible death.
NO, NO, NO!!!!!! The prison is supposed to be destroyed, WTF
I find it hilarious how my predictions were completely off...
Is it only an hour long?
And at that moment, a million voices cheered.