[url=https://youtu.be/_TYuTid9a6k?si=7_jnLOXE_UfAjeTU]Joe Scott - Split Brain[/url]
I feel like it needs to be understood, we are on the cusp of a grand turning point in humanity, and it's coming on fast. I have to believe though, for several decades, the early thought of the potential of AI was why we took a slow burn approach to going fully digital...and away from analog.
Joe Scott my Alter...even got the voice...-blam!- I'm his alter, -blam!- weird -blam!- world.
Architect Mind
Not much of an NPC - antiguos
His final thoughts at the end... Exactly where my headspace is, it is so freeing, and as stated...go with the flow... Nimbus, I like ya bro...