"I believe the three Axis Minds found in proximity to the abomination were Vex machines built to serve as vessels for this power: a way to extend its reach across space and time, binding it to the Vex, and the Vex to it. If they had succeeded, I cannot begin to guess what horrors they would have unleashed."
— Ikora Rey
I think it did through logic, and design, along with a a story set in a loop. Manifest destiny.
Architect Mind
Not much of an NPC - antiguos
[url=https://youtu.be/_TYuTid9a6k?si=FPCoVV9jiqnp9k2Y]Joe Scott - Split Brain[/url] When do I get to see that test? To have that "why did I click that button?" Only because you literally... It's the brain... The unveiling... One lack communication type vibe...