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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
Editado por jhermannITJ: 1/11/2025 8:53:48 AM

DO NOT READ THIS! Lavinia Garcia Umr Tawil... there is no spoon.

⚠️ Note of warning: if my theory is correct, I reveal the end of the saga ("roots" of the garden)... so, if you want to be surprised... DON'T READ THIS! Fair warning. ⚠️ The most important character to the narrative, you probably never heard of.... The lore that should be understood for Revenant leading into Heresy: [url=]The Kell[/url] [i]"The Reef is punch-drunk. Lavinia thinks that loss has driven the Awoken into a state of collective traumatic mania. Endless revels light up the purple sky; people leap off the world and drift away into the artificial atmosphere, to be collected, protesting woozily, by the skiffload. Lavinia is a wallflower here, forever on the edge of things. She gets pangs of homesickness every night, and tells herself that the Reef is the right place to begin her journey home. This meeting, right now, might be the first step... "Much mourning," the Fallen at her side murmurs. "Master Ives murdered, Variks missing. Spider hires away my friends. Well, I stay to guard Master Ives's work. You come in, make yourself into a home. I will bring nitrogen tea and records." "Thank you." Lavinia wants to laugh, or maybe cry, at the malapropism. If only she could make herself into a home! But it'll be all right in the end. She will find the Nine, bring the truth home, and earn forgiveness. The Fallen returns with tea and devices. "Watch. Record from Prison of Elders. Master Ives fascinated by it." She sees Skolas, fallen Kell of Fallen Kells, waiting to die by combat. His huge horned armor lags his motions, like a weary companion trying to mimic everything he does. A servitor pumps ether into him. Lavinia wonders what would happen if she took Ether. Would she feel clearly and coldly determined? Would she turn into a huge Lavinia? Would she stop missing her home? "Mara." Skolas's mouth was not made for that name. "Mara, do you hear?" "The Queen of the Reef sentenced him to the fate of all Fallen," Lavinia's companion sighs. "To strive, and struggle, and fail. But he was already lost. His mind broke at the Citadel, where he saw into time." Skolas blows white vapor. Frost crackles on his mask. "You gifted me to the Nine. And they sent me back. People think you are a fool. That you made an error releasing me. Led your people to die on my blade, as I led my people to die on yours." Lavinia's translator murmurs along with the Kell's words. "The Nine's agent never told me why he released me. Now I know. You know also, I think. Both of you require the Guardians... and the Nine do not understand life and death. So they sent me back to you, to make the Guardians come. They did not comprehend the harm. "I do not comprehend them either. I traveled among the Jovians for years, in their dominion. But I do not know the Nine. You, Mara Sov... you are the only one who bargains with them. You are the only one who has foreseen their role in the game. You keep your successes secret, so the world only knows your mistakes. No wonder I underestimated you." He hefts the scorch cannon his jailers have given him. Lavinia thinks of the tools his House once favored: shuttle and loom. "I saw the shape of the Nine on Venus. A place that was once precious to them, where wishes could transfigure their flesh. I saw that they are bound to this star and to these worlds. You are of a kind in that way, you and the Nine. Not I. I will be glad to leave this world, Mara Sov. I am tired of being a pawn." Skolas lays his huge horned head back against the cell wall. Lavinia, watching, spills her tea in excitement. "They want to help us," she whispers. "They're from our planets! They want to help! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy—" She leans down to mop up the spilled tea. A flashbang grenade detonates in her face. The next thing she knows an Awoken officer is sentencing her, under martial law, to life in prison for espionage. Lavinia, fumbling for any sign of her good luck, is glad to see the Fallen go free".[/i] Here's Lavina's bio on destinypedia: [url=]Lavinia Garcia Umr Tawil[/url] I was recently asked... well, taunted... I'm paraphrasing, that if Mara Sov is connected to everything... then she must have instigated the Red War and aided Ghaul in some way... They were trying to put words in my mouth. I said I never connected Mara to the Cabal... yet 👀. Here it is: [i]"during the second Dawning celebration following the Red War, she sneaks into an archives facility and hacks into it to find any information that will help her, knowing full well the consequences of getting caught. Her queries contain seemingly superfluous information about dark matter, until she comes across a paper theorizing that dark matter could have caused the failure of the City's sensor network before Ghaul's invasion".[/i] [url=]The Stacks[/url] [i]"Lavinia then [u]saw all of Mara's interactions[/u] with the Nine, [u][b]and how one of them allowed Ghaul to sneak past the City's defensive satellite network[/b][/u]".[/i] [url=]The Witch[/url] [i]"In passing, Lavinia sees the entire history of the Queen's interactions with the Nine: more than anyone suspected, and more vital. She sees how one of the Nine blinded Guardians to Ghaul's approach, risking everything (for Ghaul would have destroyed the sun, and the Nine with it) to learn how to steal the Light. She sees how that one was punished".[/i] Mara Sov is responsible for the tech that allowed the Cabal to avoid the sensors, she conspired with the "dark" faction of The Nine to do so. She instigated the Red War. Mara Sov the Heretic, Queen of Secrets (Lies). Ikora.... 😩 Why!?! [i]"Guardian, I hesitate. I am touched by doubt. We must speak clearly. But you can’t talk precisely without knowing precisely who you’re talking to. (Think of everything we said to Osiris—) I feel as if I know you. But have I ever allowed you to know me? I used to act as fast as I thought, and sometimes much faster. That’s youth. Eventually I made too many mistakes to ignore; that’s youth too, ignoring your mistakes until they pile up and topple. I dug myself out. I learned to keep myself hidden. Hidden purpose, hidden knowledge. A hidden Ikora, and for the world, a face of perfect composure and intent. Even when we lost the Traveler, I went to hide in my own confusion. I am going to try to un-hide myself. I may frighten or confuse you. I am not an easy person to know. This is a folio of intelligence reports from my Hidden network. It will illuminate the events leading up to the current apokalypsis. In the original Koine Greek, that word means unveiling, and also revelation. In the spirit of unveiling I have also included fragments of my own personal writing about the nature of Darkness and Light. They are less the work of Ikora Ray the great Warlock Vanguard than of ikora ray, the unfashioned and uncertain woman. In the early Books of Sorrow, Savathun scribbles a warning that Oryx’s text is full of lies. Mara Sov’s hagiography and self-indictment, the Marasenna, warns the reader to remember that it is narrated in the first person, even and especially when it pretends to be objective. Truth is always edited by the truthteller. I give you no such warning. This is the unaltered truth of what I know and who I am. May it bring you the clarity I have sought. Ikora"[/i] [url=]The Hidden Dossier[/url] For emphasis: [i][b]"Mara Sov’s hagiography and self-indictment, the Marasenna, warns the reader to remember that it is narrated in the first person, even and especially when it pretends to be objective".[/b][/i] biography that idealizes its subject - Hagiography For emphasis: [i]"Ikora warns her that continuing will have consequences she cannot protect her from. She presents a choice to Lavinia: leave and she will overlook the theft, or stay the course and force Ikora to bring her in. Refusing to turn back, Lavinia is brought before a tribunal and exiled from the City".[/i] [url=]The Bone[/url] [i]""Help me!" Lavinia begs. "[u]There's something here! Something that connects everything[/u], the Trials, and the Ahamkara, and the Guardians, and the Nine. [u][b]There are things the Consensus knows about Ghaul's attack, things they haven't told us—"[/b][/u] Ikora Rey puts up one finger. Lavinia shuts up. "Choose. Are you going to go back to school, and let me pretend you were never here? Or do I have to report you for theft of an Ahamkara bone?" Lavinia takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry," she says. "I have to keep going. I'll try my luck." The tribunal's verdict is unanimous. Lavinia Garcia Umr Tawil has trespassed against her oath to guard the common welfare of humanity. She will never set foot in the City again".[/i] Ikora... what have you done? 😭 She's Mara's 'friend'... Mara's spy. Ikora ... The Lost. FOR EMPHASIS: The MOST IMPORTANT QUOTES leading into Heresy when Mara took Kell and claimed the Wolves: Mara Sov, [i][b]"STARLIGHT WAS MY MOTHER".[/b][/i] [i][b]"AND MY FATHER WAS THE DARK".[/b][/i] [url=]Ghost Fragment: Fallen 4[/url]
#lore #destiny2

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  • Good thing you put in a warning to not read this, I was about to waste 10 minutes of my life.

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    • Editado por Uldrac Sov: 1/12/2025 6:20:08 AM
      All that typing just to be completely wrong again, but you will just move the goal posts to Apollo, and then Behemoth , then you will just say we are all too stupid to understand again Move on, this game will never match up with what you want it to be, it's not some deep philosophical novel , it's the flavor of the month, the narrative team is a revolving door D2 is the Hobbit trilogy , they are just making this sht up on the fly while checking there email and eating breakfast Trust The Sovs😎

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      19 Respuestas
      • Editado por xbroggiex: 1/12/2025 6:42:40 PM
        Oh boy more schizophrenic ramblings about how Mara is evil or something and that there is a big plot or some crap. I'm sure your theory will all be revealed in the final... oh, the final shape is already over. Well I'm sure it will happen in Apol- actually apollo has nothing to do with the Awoken... well maybe behe- actually its more than likely about mirror realities and chaos beings being discovered because "le epic Pathways into Darkness and Marathon" reference or something. Well I guess there is always the third saga of destiny, I'm totally sure your cherry picking of decades old lore will totally be right and not be completely wrong because of the base line narrative made by the revolving door of writers at Bungie. Though the game might not even make it part way into Frontiers before basically being declared dead.

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      • Mara didn't instigate the red war Ghaul arrived because the skyburners sent out a distress signal One member of the nine actively participated in disrupting our satellites so ghaul could arrive undetected. Mara played no part in that invasion or in the red war. You are wrong.

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        • Editado por MC 077 Lasombra: 1/13/2025 4:34:48 AM
          In replies below, OP gave me links to his past posts and using those I can show what his crap theory actually is. In this thread you say Savathun is the Gardener in disguise and writes “the script” for everyone. A simulation of her own making. Which is a spin on the series finale twist of the tv show St. Elsewhere. Where the whole show happens in the imagination of an autistic child, Tommy Westphall. Which I pointed out to OP and he merely said it was a “cynical interpretation” of his idea. So it actually sounds like I’ve accurately unraveled the not so mysterious premise of his grand theory. It’s all a simulation someone is playing out, scripted like a movie. Or eve a video game, perhaps? Ah yes. Such a clever idea. 🤣 Making a bunch of noise and make people wonder what you’re grand idea is only for it to be ‘the whole point of the story is someone immersing themselves into a video game reality’ That’s why you’re a butthurt troll who got made people here deflated your stupid spinfoil theories to the point where you decided to make up something dumb theory to waste our time on debunking. Problem is, you suck so bad at it that it isn’t hard nor time consuming to figure out or debunk. Fun note you also claimed that after going into the pale heart we would need to destroy the universe your “lady in white”, Savathun, made in order to escape the Pale Heart. Remind me which parts of that are proven wrong and which are proven right? Extra notes for what you’ve said in your claims: You say the whole universe is a simulation, in this post in the spoiler. In this post you say Savathun made the simulation. So you should run, cause you literally handed me the receipts I was too lazy to bother with finding. You did my work for me. Thanks for playing but you lost again.

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          • Editado por MC 077 Lasombra: 1/12/2025 5:58:52 PM
            OP forgot to mention he also thinks that Osana is Savathun in disguise. Or is he finally dropping that and going to act like he never said it? Who wants to bet?

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            • Even if the entry was connecting Mara Sov to the Nines sabotage of the City’s early warning systems, Hermann still fails to show how Mara instigated the Red War. Because the actual cause of Ghaul’s invasion was the distress signal sent back to Torobatl by the Skyburners in the Taken King was why he amassed the Red Legion Fleet and came to Sol, because the data gathered during that failed attack on the Dreadnought allowed him to build the massive Light Suppression Cage that imprisoned the Traveler. Not to mention this lore actively shows a maddened Skolas wanting to die and realising he was only a tool of the Nine go against the previous hypothesis from Hermann that Mara wanted him immediately executed to cover her own tracks and he was actively talking about her in the Grimoire card where he is imprisoned. (spoiler: He was talking about Oryx) There’s also no mention of an apparent motive from Mara for this action, given weakening a chief ally she would utilise multiple times over the coming years makes no logical sense at all. It’s why only one of the Nine went rogue to do it, and was punished for it by the other eight. Not to mention there’s no explanation for how this would make Mara a heretic, as heresy is primarily used to refer to those going against a religion. Heresy in this case most likely refers to the Hive themselves, not the same dumb Mara is evil reveal we’ve been told is just around the corner for at least the last two years but has yet to manifest. Neither has the Revenant predictions now that I recall.

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              • Editado por Killapete232: 1/12/2025 9:14:44 AM
                Read the post and most of the replies, imagine if all of this lore was implemented into the game as foundational story to play through. All of it would have made destiny so much better. Ambitious as an undertaking to implement and groundbreaking if done right. This is the potential destiny has but never received. One day I would love to see everything in it's entirety in game with a universe full of all of this with character interactions for all of those spoken within the lore and seen through gameplay rather just some notes on a lore book.

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                  Architect Mind
                  Architect Mind

                  Not much of an NPC - antiguos

                  Dude, I hate you get a bunch of flak, and they want to twist your words. I don't know much about Mara, I don't like reading political maneuverings. But there are things that I can say... She wants power, and is dealing with a prediction engine type thing with her oracle. Savvy wanted power, she created an engine too. People can change face and shape, we can even allow someone else to drive. So we need to find the answer of freewill. How do we over come the command prompt, how do we have purpose when there is no death...

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                  • Editado por jhermannITJ: 1/11/2025 8:42:51 AM
                    [url=]Tyrannocide II[/url] [i]"Ten times and once more Mara asked the Oracle Engine to show her the sword that was death and the way it would appear. Ten times and once more the Oracle Engine showed Mara an image of her family. First it showed her Sjur Eido, laughing and bright with strength, who would recede and later return. Then it showed her Uldren, her brother, who explored the ruins of the fallen worlds and sought out challenges to test himself. Then it showed Mara her own face and lingered on the secret brightness of her eyes. Last of all, leaving Mara imperious with disdain toward her own feelings, curtly aloof toward all who asked her what troubled her, it showed her Osana, who had remained behind. Mara dwelt on this puzzle. A mother who had remained behind; a sister with secrets; a brother who hunted and explored; a woman who was plain and fierce. She understood then that the answer to her question lay within herself and that to defeat what was coming, she would need a perfect understanding of herself. Isolation would be her watchword, for an isolated system is easiest of all to understand. First of all, [u][b]Mara went into the gardens and planted a flower for her mother[/b][/u], who she thought must still live: though she might by now have forgotten her first daughter and her first son. "Mother," she said, "I asked to be your sister rather than your daughter, and so I denied you the chance to tell me your secret, the mothertruth that is mapped in the negative space defined by the lies mothers tell their daughters. Well, here are my secrets. I love you. I have always loved you. Without you, I could never have been anything at all.""[/i] Mara Sov... her mother's daughter. [i]"Mara went into the gardens and planted a flower for her mother".[/i] Mara Sov... Disciple... Daughter of the Gardener. Osana Sov. [b]-THEORY-[/b] Every disciple dies... Mara did NOT die at the Battle of Saturn. She's using the Oracle here... by doing so signaling Oryx and the Hive fleet, dooming the Dreaming City and killing her own people in the process. She wants to know how she dies. That's what she's asking the Oracle. Via the Knife through her Mother as her disciple (is my interpretation). Her family. That's why I call my comprehensive theory of the story of Destiny, "The Tragedy of the Sovs". For your consideration. The Wolf Mother, The Gardener... Osana Sov. The star of the Wolf Mother's eye... Mara Sov. Now you know why Mara sits in front of an "EYE" 👁️. And she doesn't even know... All signs point to she doesn't know that she is following her Mother's will. Mara made her choice long ago... but a Mother's love is strong. What would you do for your mother? I get a lot of flack for hating on Mara Sov... I never have, if you think that you don't understand the above. What would you do for your mom? That's the ****in' TRAGEDY! It's okay to see the beauty in sad things... In LIFE, there is sadness. Mara Sov is broken... not 'evil'... still, it was her choice. If you can call it a "choice". That's what I mean by, "What would you do for your mother"? Mara Sov, [i][b]"Well, here are my secrets. I love you. I have always loved you. Without you, I could never have been anything at all".[/b][/i] It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to get angry at it. To get angry with me... I'm sorry I waited so long to explain it... it was out of respect for you the players, and the brilliant writers at Bungie. But this IS the TRUTH. And we're close enough now. I NEEDED to lift the veil for you, I could not allow this beautiful narrative to remain obtuse and out of reach. In Darkness. To show you the light Guardians... 😇👍💠

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                    38 Respuestas
                    • Editado por Architect Mind: 1/11/2025 4:39:23 PM
                      Architect Mind
                      Architect Mind

                      Not much of an NPC - antiguos

                      Side thought, or note while I continue to read. Perhaps the nine that chose to allow Ghaul, were practicing the test of the rite to oryx offering himself...a test type thing. How crazy if you invited death and were denied it, like that -blam!- sucks... -"She will die..." +"Perhaps..." Said alongside the nine... ((and the deafening and defiant "NOPE" was acted upon their test...or was it faith?))

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                        Architect Mind
                        Architect Mind

                        Not much of an NPC - antiguos

                        [quote]6. These Ghosts without Guardians argue about two things. One is the exact nature of their connection to their undiscovered Guardian. Is each Ghost predestined to find one and exactly one soul to raise as a Guardian? Or does each Ghost have a taste, a set of preferences that many dead people might satisfy? Could a Ghost potentially raise anyone? Does the choice of a partner lie within the Ghost, or is it a mission assigned by the Traveler?[/quote] OMG, these nerds... Lol, lmfao...they're setting up a roleplaying experience... This -blam!- is good.

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