When you put a warlock that doesn't use his light and a hunter who only uses his surroundings as weapons you get a pretty sick crucible duo. Me and Spiderblood met in the crucible during Guardian Games and I found him so respectable and brave, I HAD to be his teammate.
Over a while we started hanging out and talking eventually becoming practically brothers, sure we got into arguments and such but that never split us. We've been through so much we pretty much have the same mind, its mind boggling how much we think the same. It reminds me of this one time in trials of Osiris where it was 4-4 and this was our last game before going flawless, mind you we've been going at this for like a while. So anyways I was halfway through finishing a bow that could harness my void energy tenfold, and I needed one more piece, a catalyst, luckily Spiderblood had it and was making his way towards me when the last enemy on the team was opening fire on him immediately we looked at each other and he threw the catalyst. It was a very risky move and could've gotten us both killed but I caught it, I caught it and inserted the catalyst into the bow I felt the void and understood it. All I had to do was shoot the arrows and we won. I shot and let me tell you that Titan could not move at all, and one bullet from my makeshift hand cannon killed him instantly. OH crap I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Caliber-4 and Spiderblood is my brother.
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