So now with Crow being the new hunter vanguard things are no longer balanced like they were before.
Think about it, before Cayde's death we had 3 vanguard 1 of each character type & each character race.
But now with Crow being the new hunter vanguard we have 2 awoken & 1 human vanguard and no exo vanguard.
Also during the final shape Zavala's ghost died and Zavala lost his connection to the light and is no longer immortal like the rest of us.
Because of this I think Zavala is either going to be killed or is going to retire as the Titan vanguard and is then going to be replaced by Saint-14.
Saint is both a Titan and an Exo so he would be the perfect candidate to become the next Titan vanguard.
Also they could then make Osiris be the Trials Of Osiris guy (which would actually make sense since trials is literally named after him XD).
So yeah in my opinion this is what I think is going to end up happening in the story over time as right now things are no longer balanced with Crow being the hunter vanguard as he's also awoken like Zavala and isn't an exo like Cayde was.
I also personally think that Saint would be a better option for the titan vanguard than Zavala (but I'm also slightly biased since my favorite race is the exo's and my favorite character is Titan XD).
Please feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions down below and share any theories you might have on what you think will happen next in the story.
Interesting theory and pretty compelling. Saint was the old Titan Vanguard so it’s not unreasonable to assume that if Zavala retired, the first person they’d ask would be him. However, they made a point of Zavala learning stasis and even showed him and Ikora practicing darkness powers in the campaign credits for TFS so I imagine we have more to explore there. There are actually loads of interesting directions they could take the story now that they’re freed of the L+D saga. I hope we get some fun character development and the try something genuinely new instead of recycling the old stories.
Editado por KIWI LEGEND: 12/18/2024 2:31:09 AMSaint 14 is too much of a soggy, limp wristed melt to be Vanguard commander. Osiris is an irritating old steaming dog nugget and needs to be thrown from the tower to the pavement far below 😀
I think we will see Savathun try to secure an echo and use it to try and brink back both Oryx and Xivu in the light. Hence the purifying esthetic. Then she intends to use that Ahemkara egg she has to bring back fundament and go there with all her siblings, leaving sol for good. Meanwhile Xivu will try and use Asha as her replacement worm.
Were you aware that Saint-14 was the previous Titan Vanguard? He left to find Osiris when he disappeared into the Infinite Forest, and Zavala took his position. Not only that but in the lore books he also temporarily returned to leading the Vanguard during the events of the Final Shape when Zavala and Ikora entered the Pale Heart, since they needed someone to fill in for them. Personally, either way works for me. As much as I love Keith's voice acting it is too much of a whiplash for me from Lance's amazing work that it throws me off every time. But lore-wise Saint-14 has previously stated he didn't want to do that job any longer, it took convincing for him to do it temporarily, so I doubt he would do so permanently.
I hope they keep it how it is for more exo lore instead
90+ hostages hold by hamas for 400+ days - antiguos
Well zavala might lost his light but he learned to use the darkness. So we probably wouldnt lose him anytime soon.