I had talked about festering core and a test that was being ran to understand difference in light and dark for the vex. I'm intrigued, was savvy actually trying to help them understand?
Its going to be separated again, but...
There are several tests of understanding happening and they're beautiful, and well thought out in terms of understanding for us...how would we teach a rigidly defining thing? (Compassion, empathy, sight, sound, touch, moral coding)
Then there is the RP aspect I think Bungie hid as a community type design...
Mithrax, if it hadn't been known to not kill the Captain back on Titan, and the community had just nuked him into oblivion...would the story have had changed?
I think that needs to be communicated more, is the community having an effect on the story telling direction...are you doing some silent GM type game style?
Anyways, BOHICA.
They have had the perspective above and below, extremely large (you were the size of the atom to them) to extremely small (well obviously backwards here), but the universe still looked relatively the same.
My creator, designer, storyteller may not be the one at the end, it may answer to it, but it doesn't matter because I AM.
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