So far, episodes have revolved around an old, not so powerful enemy making a return in possession of an Echo, making them quite more powerful.
We know Nokris is alive and was under Savathun's command for some time, we know Lucent Hive tried to resurrect Oryx in the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon.
So, I think it is obvious that Heresy will be about Nokris using an Echo to resurrect Oryx, considering resurrection is <Heresy> for the Hive, and thus finally fulfilling Savathun's prophecy of the Taken King rising again.
Also, our returning allies, will obviously be Zavala, Savathun, Queen Mara Sov and maybe Drifter/Elsie Bray, considering it's been 1 Vanguard Member and 2+ other characters so far, per Episode.
Any thoughts?
I doubt nokris is coming back, I think if anything Xivu gets an echo and we deal with the word gods
As long as it leads 2 us driving The Dreadnaught around space, breaking all traffic laws it can be about a cursed thrall for all i care😎
It would be a surprise, but the problem is we took him out while he was in the Ascendant Plane back in Season of Arrivals. For the Ascendant Hive, a death in the Ascendant Plane is as permanent as it gets without outside interference. The recent Grimoire Anthology, Penumbra, might lend some hints as to what the next Episode will be about, but that could be spoiler territory since I suspect that Penumbra, when originally written, was slated to drop during Heresy [i][b]before[/b][/i] Final Shape was delayed. That said, the book is available now for anyone to buy and order. The recent Developer Update affirmed what we already knew, and clarified the exact nature of the "eldritch" force in the Episode. Xivu Arath is the sole remaining Hive pantheon member devoted to the Sword Logic, and the Eldritch is stated to be "one that shapes the universe". My money is on the Winnower dropping in for a conversation, at some point. As for Xivu Arath, she's reeling from Eris cutting her off from her Throne World, and we just unmade the Witness and stopped the Final Shape. For the most fanatically devoted to the Sword Logic, she's bound to be looking for something that will allow her to reaffirm the Sword Logic and her existence, even if it turns out to be heretical to the Hive's beliefs.
Nokris be like: hey I'm bob the necromancer and today we're doing an unboxing. [spoiler]*digs up oryx*[/spoiler]
Did we kill him in the ascendant realm? Pretty sure he's dead dead.
Editado por jr_0081: 12/15/2024 2:37:55 AMDude I was about to make post, asking if nokris will play a role in heresy since he committed heresy/ blasphemy to the hive and since we don’t know if he is dead dead since you know he use necromancy
Can't even tell you what the story of this episode was because none of it worked.
Nokris wouldn’t need an echo to bring back Oryx, he has necromancy. Plus that would require the echo to very similar to the current, which is kinda redundant. It could go to/brought to Oryx and revive him itself, being part Light, but have a wholly different function.
Perhaps, or maybe Xivu Arath that way we can kill her and turn her into a gun.
I mean it makes sense. I have a feeling all of the hive gods will have a part to play. Except maybe crota, but who knows 🤷🏻♂️ The echoes grant seemingly impossible powers by combining light and darkness. The traveler can bring people back to life with the light, but can’t restore their memories. That requires darkness. Savathuun had to come up with a whole convoluted plan to store her memories before dying so she could get them back later. Darkness can’t manifest a physical body for resurrection. Just the mind. So an echo could combine the two. Complete and total resurrection.
I could be wrong but I believe bungie killed Nokris off permanently in a lore tab.
Taken King doesn't need to be Oryx, maybe someone else just gets a few taken and makes it their entire persolnality Xivu? We've seen her reaching for the sword in post TFS cutscene Toland? He recently let us know that he's still out there and angry Someone else?
I am pretty sure the main Villian of Heresy will be Xivu Arath
I think Savathun gets the Echo... Is killed and gets twisted up in the tree of Silver Wings as was shown, except it hasn't happened. Then, [spoiler]Resurrected as the Gardener.[/spoiler]
bring back 1 shot kelgorath's in pvp - antiguos
i honestly hope you're right, i thought nokris was a really cool character and i was geeking when we heard him speak during arrivals for the first time, was sad when we seemingly "killed" him but it wouldn't surprise me if he found some way to come back again -