Socïety is recruiting!
We are a group of gamers that started this clan as a way to make new friends and inspire challenges both amongst ourselves and amongst others!
As a small disclaimer, our endgame side has fairly strict joining requirements. However, our casual to intermediate side has more relaxed requirements
We are all genuinely kind people and are looking for others of the same mentality to share that with! We understand that we aren't everyones cup of tea. We all can be silly, awkward, and dumb sometimes, but that's part of having fun, right? Destiny 2 is where we can have fun, make friends, branch out to other games, and just kick it. If that interests you, keep on reading (some reqs are flexible)
General requirements
- be a kind person
- fun sense of humor
- strive to improve
- look to make long-lasting friendships
Joining requirements for the endgame side:
- minimum of 2 day one/challenge raid tags on raid report (root of nightmares is excluded)
- 4+ solo flawless dungeons
- 2 or more lowman flawless raids OR 4 lowman clears (must be full)
- Must Use Discord
Casual to intermediate requirements:
-100 full raid clears
-1 flawless raid
-1 solo dungeon or 50 dungeon clears
- Must use Discord
If interested in joining DM myself ( Fury#9914) either via Discord or the App!
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