The 11th Column tempts you to take the mantle of power
[b] [i] The 11th Column is looking for new members to join its guard. [/i] [/b]
[b] [quote] The defeat of the First Knife, the tumble of the forces of the Darkness, and ascension of us guardians; poses a new path for new lights and those looking for a fight. We tread battles, new and old. Join new lights on their path to transcendence. There is a vanguard, but there is this fireteam. The 11th Column will fight beyond their means and strike new ground. Take control of the power vacuum in the defeat of the Witness and become legend. [/quote] [/b]
The 11th Column is look for new members to bolster it's ranks and join the new guard! Membership is open to all; if you're either a new light or a veteran! Approvals required though; join our discord, go through the onboarding and, after that go to our clan-approvals channel and drop your Bungie ID! We heavily encourage the use of Discord so we can communicate, and forge forward towards whatever activities we put our minds to! This is a casual clan though so besides that, no activity requirements outside of exceptional inactivity. Join us onto legend.
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