Charge time is an issue against players who move fast and are unpredictable. I’ve mained fusions since Taken King and some players are near impossible to hit because they bait the shot and change direction at the perfect moment. Charge time can also be a real hindrance against strong players who shotgun ape (you mention shotguns can be inconsistent, but fusions are as well).
Fusions can also be super cheesy (aim assist feels more generous than in D1), so I’m not saying they don’t require any nerf, but I don’t think they’re as easy as you make out in your pros and cons list.
Good players will take advantage of that charge time.
Like you pointed out the AIM assist is massively stronger for fusions in d2 than in d1 because they aren’t actually projectiles/bolts like in d1 with real travel time. So not only was aiming harder but timing it was too
I pop back into D1 from time to time and fusions feel much better there — less cheesy and more like you’re responsible for how good or bad the shot is.
Yep I wish they would feel the same as in d1. We’ve gone through a series of shotgun nerfs to bring them back into d1 shotty ranges but fusions are insane still