I know Bungie wants to make it a nice big entrance for the new content and a basic intro of what is going on but I want to work on other things first. I hate it when I have to go into the menu and select change character or wait until it launches and then quit the activity to go back to what I was working on first, leaving those who might be in the activity as well if its matchmade.
It is annoying and I know I am not the first nor will I be the last to complain about it. It confuses new players who are working through the new light stuff (if they don't decide to skip it), and annoying for those who want to look at their builds or drop by the tower first to grab some gunsmith bounties.
At the very least make it a prompt when starting if we would like to jump straight into the new activity/content right away.
Editado por Azoths_Gambit: 6/12/2024 5:41:32 PMI'd like a prompt after the cutscenes to start or stay in orbit. Like maybe I want to use my vault or go to the Tower.
I never like being thrown into a mission that I have not chosen to launch. When I start my game, select my character, I am not necessarily ready to play. Im just getting in game so that it can load, then maybe I will go make a coffee, get some snacks, go to the bathroom, walk the dog... Auto launching missions after character selection is horrible practice, and even when ready to play, maybe you have a PvP loadout on from the night before, or were trying a weird build in patrol which isnt something you want to run for this mission, but dont want to save it to a loadout yet because you have those slots reserved for a different activity, and dont want to lose it by swapping to a loadout that is saved. Just add a prompt in the director guiding us to the mission to start it rather than launching automatically.
Please!!! This is so annoying.
[quote]I know Bungie wants to make it a nice big entrance for the new content and a basic intro of what is going on but I want to work on other things first. I hate it when I have to go into the menu and select change character or wait until it launches and then quit the activity to go back to what I was working on first, leaving those who might be in the activity as well if its matchmade. It is annoying and I know I am not the first nor will I be the last to complain about it. It confuses new players who are working through the new light stuff (if they don't decide to skip it), and annoying for those who want to look at their builds or drop by the tower first to grab some gunsmith bounties. At the very least make it a prompt when starting if we would like to jump straight into the new activity/content right away.[/quote] It’s annoying even when the first thing I intend to do is the new mission. When playing in a group, it makes it take longer for everyone to group up together.
I completely agree. I bought Witch Queen on super-sale just before Lightfall launched. As a fairly new light, I had absolutely no idea that I could skip the intro mission and go back and do it later. (Once I had figured this game out a bit more.) Needless to say, the tormentor on the ship made me give up in frustration on the mission. I was expecting to have to start it over again the next time I logged in, and was dreading the experience. I was pleasantly surprised to discover I wasn't thrown in and could choose when to attempt it again. Throwing a new light straight into missions doesn't lead to a happy new light if they don't understand enough about the game (or gaming in general) to pick up on clues like glowing things to shoot or how to identify the jumping paths to follow. Add in a new light having to run solo at starting light level with enemies they have no idea how to deal with, or how to level gear or weapons?? New lights get sent to Cosmodrome for a reason. Learn the mechanics, start figuring out those clues, and start figuring out if the class they chose is a reasonable fit. Learn the menu options and learn how to start missions from the menu. Ads are straightforward, the few shields are easily broken. No getting sniped by stuff from the other side of the map. No getting yanked around off the map and wondering why they need to revive. I wish they'd get new lights or newer lights involved when playtesting. Maybe then they'd see how confusing things are to inexperienced gamers and new to Destiny gamers. Some people can jump in and have it all figured out quickly. Some can't.