Let me go into a little bit more detail. When I mean toxic, I means the ones that whisper you, while, adding in racist remarks, -blam!- remarks, insulting, and encouraging self harm i.e. unalive in yourself.
And for the peoples that that say just block them, turn off your text, just hit the endgame report, you’re not helping the situation because you’re allowing the toxic ones to stay in. Why bother trying to build a great community if you’re gonna allow the sleazy ones in?
Bungie takes such extra steps for cheaters, but yet you’re not allowed to post anything about the harassment, because it counts as name/shame part of the code of conduct. Way to coddle your toxic side of your community.
You need to step up your game bungie and add in away just like you do for cheaters of reporting them with screenshots so there’s blatant evidence. Stop protecting your toxic environment just because your sales are down.
This will end my rant, and if anybody wants to screenshots of what started this whole thing let me know and I’ll DM you.
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