Do you like Destiny? Do you like anime and other weeby stuff? Is your other job title “meme lord”? Well do I have the clan for you!
We are currently a small, new clan looking for more guardians to help us fill out our raid/dungeon fireteams! We enjoy pretty much every aspect of the game both PvE and PvP. We understand life happens, and not everybody can devote a ton of time to a game, and that is fine! There is no requirement to post on the discord weekly or to run stuff with clanmates to not get kicked. If you don’t log in for a very long time we might message you and see if you’re still playing and kick if we don’t get a response, but it’s not a hard rule. We’re all here to have fun and get loot! We are currently raiding with the help of a sister clan, but want to fill out our own raid teams to farm some of those sweet sweet lootz! If this sounds like a place for you then feel free to join the discord and one of our admins can get you an invite!
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