What's on your Destiny lore wish list? Destiny is host to vast swathes of lore, characters, and stories, and some areas recieve more attention than others. So if there was a single area of Destiny's lore that could or should have a moment in the spotlight, what would it be? Go wild.
(Obviously there's the immediate stuff; the Veil, the Witness, the Black Fleet, etc... hopefully answers for these are coming soon.)
I'll go first:
At the top of my lore related wish list would be the Destiny Universe equivalent of a Bestiary. Either as an in-game lorebook, in which new entries are unlocked by slaying the associated creature, or as a physical Grimoire Anthology that goes over all the major enemies and creatures that call the Destiny universe home. Heck both would be nice.
Next thing would be lore regarding the Maraid/Reef Wars lore from D1. Most D2 New Lights have no idea what the Reef Wars were or why they were important. Just reading through the synopsis of the Maraid shows how epic a conflict the Reef Wars was. Having a formal written lorebook for it would do a lot for adding to the lore of Reef and the Reef Awoken who live beyond the Dreaming City.
After that, I would love to see more Destiny comics. I don't know about everyone else, but I really enjoyed the comics on Ana Bray and Cayde-6. The Cayde's Six comic did a lot to help give some background context for Forsaken expansion. More stories like that are always be welcome, from my perspective. Comics that tell the story of characters we don't normally see, or who exist only in the lore. Characters like Shayura, Reed-7, Aisha, Sjur Eido, Lord Felwinter, Lady Efrideet, Sister Faora, Shin Malphur, Dredgen Yor, Lysander, etc...
So what's on your lore related wish list? Let's discuss, o reader mine.
For Bungie to give my Guardian and Shaxx a lore page on their wedding day. I've had The Vow (and the proposal with it) for years and not once has it been followed up on.
Fenchurch Marcus Ren Arcite +Dahlia Concordat + lysander Shaxx The pacifist guardians and their colony
Much less lore but more involvement from characters in the story. Why is it that 85% of Destiny’s in game cutscenes are characters just standing around and talking to each-other with our guardian just awkwardly standing there? The only memorable cutscenes I can remember are: Caital body slamming that psion, Ana Bray killing the psions on the almighty, and Mithrax vs Eramis sword fight and the Vex invasion with Mithrax Saint and Ikora and that’s literally it. 9 years and that’s all we have because most of the story is through them talking to our ghost while fighting enemies and it’s not good enough. It doesn’t just apply to the cutscenes, but also in game. Why can’t we call in airstrikes, or for battle frames or other NPCs to come fight with us? I’m not asking for an over glorified arc soul as a teammate I just want some characters to do something! Literally anything! Like Crow, come on now Bungie how are you going to introduce this character and only do the bare minimum? I want to see him do a blade barrage, arc staff, or anything else. And I don’t just want it as a final mission type deal like when Caital showed up for one part of LF’s final mission or how Rohan and Nimbus literally did NOTHING combat related the whole campaign!!
My Titan competes in strongman contests and usually places in the top 3.
The actual telling of oryx landing in titans oceans. Not just some piece of lore from the royal chase pulse rifle that doesn't specifically state how this happened. They don't use vip#2015 in the lore piece. Everyone knows who oryx is & what he looks like. Describing a "monster" just isn't enough.
The reveal that Destiny is actually just Marathon 4 via Infinity's time and dimension shenanigans
Lore on the Traveler (Gardner). Where it’s from, what its true purpose is, who created it, etc.
For any and all 4th wall breaking and or meta-narritive elements to be expunged.
Bungie is making stuff up on the fly and retconning long time established lore at the current narrative teams convenience Wait till you see the leaked cutscene about the Traveler and Witnesses origion , oh boy With that said, I would like it if Eliksni lore was has fleshed out has the Hives is, want to know more about Riis before there collapse, the lore introduced in Plunder was a great start, has it filled in the gaps between the whirlwind and there arrival in sol , but I would welcome anymore Also would like to see Shaxx finally fleshed out has a character, he is a warlord and Saladin still doesn't trust him, there is a story there , although Warlords did some atrocious things so there may be some things that makes us look at him differently Also would like to hear more about the crazy stuff the drifter has seen, and done , he seems very old, like one of the first Risen old, so he probably has millions of stories to tell
Editado por TheArcLantern: 5/29/2023 5:20:59 PMAphelion More Ahamkara lore …really just unanswered stuff from Forsaken lol The Nine Toland
Filling Uldren with more lead than chinese wall paint.
[quote]What's on your Destiny lore wish list? Destiny is host to vast swathes of lore, characters, and stories, and some areas recieve more attention than others. So if there was a single area of Destiny's lore that could or should have a moment in the spotlight, what would it be? Go wild. (Obviously there's the immediate stuff; the Veil, the Witness, the Black Fleet, etc... hopefully answers for these are coming soon.) I'll go first: At the top of my lore related wish list would be the Destiny Universe equivalent of a Bestiary. Either as an in-game lorebook, in which new entries are unlocked by slaying the associated creature, or as a physical Grimoire Anthology that goes over all the major enemies and creatures that call the Destiny universe home. Heck both would be nice. Next thing would be lore regarding the Maraid/Reef Wars lore from D1. Most D2 New Lights have no idea what the Reef Wars were or why they were important. Just reading through the synopsis of the Maraid shows how epic a conflict the Reef Wars was. Having a formal written lorebook for it would do a lot for adding to the lore of Reef and the Reef Awoken who live beyond the Dreaming City. After that, I would love to see more Destiny comics. I don't know about everyone else, but I really enjoyed the comics on Ana Bray and Cayde-6. The Cayde's Six comic did a lot to help give some background context for Forsaken expansion. More stories like that are always be welcome, from my perspective. Comics that tell the story of characters we don't normally see, or who exist only in the lore. Characters like Shayura, Reed-7, Aisha, Sjur Eido, Lord Felwinter, Lady Efrideet, Sister Faora, Shin Malphur, Dredgen Yor, Lysander, etc... So what's on your lore related wish list? Let's discuss, o reader mine.[/quote] More discussion on what happened during the collapse, we saw how the Vex invaded mercury. Would it not be interesting to watch Nezerecs Ship arrive an attack earth or watch a cinematic on Adas encounter with the darkness creatures? Or the Drifters on the lost cabal world?
I wish they would add some voice lines for our ghost to reference some of the events that happen within the game. Like the new dungeon and how every boss has major connections with our past and how they have come back as hive guardians. For those that don’t watch lore videos or anything like that we would just think oh cool a huge hive knight as a boss… big deal.
Editado por LikwiD_SmOkE22: 5/30/2023 4:19:25 PMThe aphelion. We still dont know much about the nine. Right now I'm hung up on how oryx ended up on titan. It's too perfect of circumstances that he just so happened to be in the depths of Titan, WHERE an enemy of the witness just so happened to be. My theory is he got pulled into titan somehow when the witness "took" celestial bodies from sol. But unless something specifies how this happened it appears to be an oversight.
The Helmet Stayed On retcon getting reversed.
Editado por UnspokenONI: 5/28/2023 7:25:31 PMin final shape all Iron lords would be dope if they go that way of my theory which is Guardian afterlife. shin malphur story of any kind (no more lore pages I wanna see him). Lord Shaxx season or lore. shiro-4 return. Lysander & The Concordat (aka the story that went dead like srl). praedyth (time story line wrap it up). long slow whisper (DSC on enceladus). Toland has been too quiet!! wet earth monster. the ice planet drifter was on. ahamkara egg mara has. nine any thing. Also I want drifter's modify ghost. Lady Efrideet's settlement. asher mir vex network stuff. praxic order. player guardian grave in season of dawn (how did we die? where did we?). more immaru.
Editado por Hesh: 5/30/2023 1:15:19 PMOh, that’s eeeeasy! I wished for this flimsily-founded universe to be good in the first place! That ship’s aaaaalready sailed! HAH!
I’d love to expand more on Toland. One of the coolest people in our lore, but got utterly sidelined after Forsaken and Opulence. Vex desperately need more lore. The Vex and the Scorn feel like they’ve been sidelined outside of plot convenience for things involving other races. They just need to come out and tell us what the veil is at some point soon. The mission to “discover more about the veil” this season was a massive let down on the lore front. There are probably more that I’m forgetting. If we get a Fallen/Scorn season next and a Vex season right before final shape I’d be happy, although I think that’s unlikely
I would love to have more Eris Drifter lore! Their lore is always great and amusing.
Oryx gifted here Quria with the intention of it sabotaging her later on. I want to know if and/or when she figured that out, and if that's why/how she orchestrated the events of Splicer. Seriously, Quria was too good of a plot point to simply murk at the end of a seasonal story. I want to know more about the whereabouts of Asher's ghost after the events of Arrivals. To my knowledge, it was never mentioned that she died, but I don't recall them ever explaining much of what happened to her after Asher heads to the Pyramidion. I want to know more about Drifter's ghost. To my recollection, we have only ever heard of Drifter's side of their "companionship," and never once heard anything from his ghost's perspective. Fikrul's status since his eviction from the Tangled Shore. We have no idea if he's aligned with the Witness or still following his own agenda, or if he's even aware of Crow's existence. The status of the remaining worm gods. So far only Akka and Xol are confirmed dead (well, Xol is now a gun), and Xita is heavily implied to be dead (but never outright stated to my knowledge), but nothing has been really mentioned about Yul, Eir, and Ur. More lore on Shaxx, either as his days as a warlord or how his demeanor has changed during the City Age. In particular I'd love to see Shaxx's more serious side at play, as we do not really see much of it behind all of his Crucible fanaticism.
Shin Malphur in game and further resolution on the Dredgen, Callum stories. Always wanted some sort of fight with Yor. Toland stuff continued Experiencing the other side of Elsie’s conversation from when we met her in D1
That savathun is Croats mom
Editado por iKARUS: 5/28/2023 8:57:29 PMMeeting the nine, in "person" Gaining savathun as a TRUE ally saving cayde, saint xiv style (in a way, cuz it'll suck if he's stuck in that "realm") Failsafe to be utilized in the main story (some dude posted about he's theory on it and I really enjoyed the take) Clovis to come back (good or evil don't matter) and do some plot twisting Asher to take over a vex subnet thing and make a safe space in the network Go back to the infinite forest and maybe do a crazy retcon of the current narrative. See Rasputin come back in a felwinter 2 sorta way Just some brainstorming stuff I've been on for a lil (even before the final shape trailer)
This might sound simple but I wanna know what’s going on the planets that are taken by the black fleet as of right now.
As far as a bestiary, D1 grimoire has cards for most enemies. I’d like to see them clean up the lore before expanding, resolve all retcons and remove the out of date lore. Nothing worse than having invalid lore floating around to confuse people.