Hi all,
So one day a couple of weeks ago, I started to get error code elderberry when I tried to go to any location. The tower works fine, no issues at all, can see and interact with vendors and people fine. But anywhere in first person, HELM included, I get that error code; telling me it's a problem on my end with my internet. The thing is that nothing with my internet or ISP changed. Plus, Steam, Destiny and my computer are updated fully. Steam has verified the game files, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Destiny too. Even then, I tried it on my friend's internet who has the same ISP but no problems, and got elderberry again, yet he was fine. Mind that everything else works fine on the internet. It is literally just first person locations in Destiny that I encounter problems. Nothing, and I really mean nothing, changed the day this started to happen. I did a raid the day before just fine.
What I have to do is unplug my router and plug it back in, then bam works great, like it used to. But that works per session. If I close the game, it's a no go, gotta go unpluggo again. I'm just bewildered over this, I don't understand why it's happening or how to properly fix it. Can someone please share some insight into why this is happening? Or better yet, a solution? I'm so confused.
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